Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, March 20, 2017

Fun on Monday

I continue to enjoy the brief windows of time when Shyla seems like herself. We play games on the deck. We are not able to let her off leash anyplace else because she might get confused and lost.

On the deck, I tossed her a cheese cube. It looks as if she's tracking it perfectly.

Imagine her horror when she missed! Her expression is priceless, in my opinion.
During her good phases, she's quite capable of this sort of game. The next one was a success.

She balanced the cheese on her nose and awaited my release word so that she could toss it.

A small toss...

The snarf...

And enjoying the taste of cheese and of victory!
Aside from these windows of time when Shyla's usual self shines through, we're not yet seeing any reduction in the side effects from the phenobarbital. We are now on Day 10 so we are more than halfway to the point where our vet says that she will improve.

I love this girl, and I can't wait to have her full spirit back all the time!


  1. oh that look is super unique! but I'm glad you got the cheese cube with the next try... I will learn that too... although weimaraners aren't such good cheese catchers like labradors ;o)

  2. fingers crossed for day 15 being the big wonderful day for all of you. this is quite the trick to me

  3. Oh my goodness Shyla, you are cracking us up. You look like your ole self
    Lily & Edward

  4. The concentration she has on that cheese, amazing.

  5. She has the best expressions and you capture them perfectly! Awesome!

  6. Your mom takes the bestest photos! I love the second photo I fell out laughing when I saw it.

    Aroo to you,

  7. Oh My I missed it!!! The expression, so funny. But then success, so improvement must be slow, just having to wait is so hard. It will happen, as sure as the day's sun rises. XXX

  8. So good to see she is having Shyla moments. We hope they become longer and more often.

  9. Such beautiful photos! We hope that improvement shoes up soon.

  10. You're making us smile, Shyla! Cheese is so yummy!

  11. Oh that look was priceless! so love that you are taking advantage of these windows of time. Soon, Shyla will be feeling better
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  12. If I remember correctly, Ciara's neurologist told us the symptoms could minimize very quickly and not just as a gradual diminishing. Hope this is the case and that the change comes very soon for Shyla.

  13. OMD that was a wonderful shot of her horrified expression! Hoping she adapts well!!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  14. OMD that was a wonderful shot of her horrified expression! Hoping she adapts well!!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  15. We think our comment went into outer space! Love the expression on SHyla's face!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  16. Shyla is like a rehabbing athlete. She will get to one hundred percent soon. The look on her face when she missed the cheese is priceless.

  17. Such an expressive face!! We are continuing to send good vibes her way in hopes that in 5 days she gets closer to her old self!

  18. Shyla, our paws are crossed that your feel yourself again SOON!!

    -Otto and Osa

  19. Wow, I just read backwards to find out what was going on with Shyla; I don't have much daytime internet access anymore, so I'm behind on everything. I'm so glad you have such a wonderful medical team and that you're trying to keep your spirits up through all this. I hope she continues to improve and that life will get back to normal for both of you soon. LOVED your bobcat, and you've captured some of the incredible later winter sunsets I often get to see only from a tall building downtown, which isn't nearly as picturesque. Thanks for preserving them!

  20. OMD, those pics are just AMAZIN'!!!! And hilarious!!!! Gurl, I can't catch NOTHIN'! I gots terrible eye-mouth coordination! BOL! Have you ever seen those videos of the dogs that can't catch food....that's me! anyhu, I hopes the side effects recede soon, I can sure see you in there Shyla!
    Ruby ♥

  21. Those were great! I love her shocked look, "What the heck? I have never missed before!!" We have all paws crossed that the 14 day mark shows a change in the right direction. ♥
    Jan & the crew at Wag 'n Woof Pets

  22. What a pawsome tracker! And the look when she missed...priceless. 🐕


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