Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Sunset and Silhouette Sunday

Our sunsets have awed me recently.

High winds make the clouds string out into long thin lines. It makes our familiar landscape look otherworldly.

The one thing that has made me sad is that my usual silhouette model, Shyla, has been in no shape to clamber on boulders. This sky was calling out to me for a silhouette photo!
But, then I realized that R used to sometimes be my silhouette model. I thought that he could remember the routine. So, after I saw the sky in the photo just above, we walked very fast to a good boulder for silhouettes.

Indeed, R remembered the routine, and he was *thrilled* to be the dog who was the silhouette model. Fortunately, the phenobarbital had Shyla sedated enough that it didn't occur to her to be upset that R was playing her role.
It's fun to mix up our normal routine sometimes! Happy Silhouette Sunday!


  1. Good job R! The clouds are amazing and hugs to dear Shyla from all of us.

  2. R makes a stunning stand in:) Hope the meds settle in Shyla soon.

  3. R looks so majestic! He is doing well standing in for Shyla!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  4. Those are beautiful sunsets! And R is a great model. I'm already missing my Arizona skies, so these are very nice to see.

  5. That magical time when those colours show so deeply. R is a great model, and think well that Shyla will be there again.

  6. That first photo is very dramatic! Love it.

  7. Yes, even here the skies have been beautiful (more so)! Thanks for pitching in as model R!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  8. We have seen some pretty pink sunsets here this past week, but they pale in comparison to what you have there. Good for R, but we hope to see Shyla back up there, maybe along with him, next week:)

  9. Last night's was particularly lovely, even if my view is urban.

  10. Beautiful sunset and beautiful silhouette.

  11. WOW girl, those are beautiful......and you know how I love those silhouette shots. (Thanks Millie and WAlter, for spelling silhouette out for me to copy)

  12. Sorry to hear the pheno is still making Shyla sleepy. R definitely still remembers how to strike an amazing pose.

  13. R did a great job. You always take such gorgeous pictures

  14. Our sunsets have been beautiful, too. It's that wind! Love the first pic. Hope Shyla feels better soon.

  15. What a handsome silhouette R is!!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  16. Oh my ...... how beautiful!!! And thanks for the tip about keeping hydrated for Raynauds. I never drink enough water. I have been trying to drink a lot since reading your tip and can't tell if it is helping the Raynauds (its not so cold here now) but I have noticed it seems to be helping my arthritis. I do have good days and bad days with it so maybe it is just that but I will continue to drink heaps and keep you informed on how it's going.

  17. That is beautiful! R makes a terrific model! Hope Shyla will be back to herself again real soon.


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