Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, April 21, 2017

Flowers for Dory

Today, we are participating in a special Flower Friday, in memory and tribute to Dory, who passed away recently. She loved participating in Flower Friday every week except in the winters.

She introduced the 2017 Flower Friday a little while ago. What a beauty she was. And, a wonderful heart dog to her human family. We know how much they loved her and she loved them. She stole our hearts too, even those of us who never met her in person.

That's why we are all posting flowers today - in memory of Dory.
photo from Dory's blog

Around here high in the mountains, we don't have many flowers blooming outdoors yet. We do have an Amarillus that is going crazy with blooms.

On our usual cold and snowy days of spring, indoor flowers really help my mood!

Unfortunately, we haven't had a very cold or wet spring (making fire danger high) so some flowers are already going wild. Our wild crocuses, called Pasqueflowers, are blooming.

They are distinctive because they totally close their flowers when it gets cold. They can survive being swamped by a foot of snow. They might look a little bedraggled after the snow melts but they keep blooming.

Here are some ice-covered ones.

And here are some in full sunshine on a warm day.

The other flowers that are blooming are our Ball Cacti. I love their blooms!

They, too, have a unique ability to completely close when it's cold and open for the sun. On this cactus, one flower is open, and a few others are still closed.
I wish that we had more flowers blooming to share on Dory's Flower Friday. Most of all, we want to tell her family how lucky Dory and they were to have found each other and spent all those years together. I have some idea how tough these days are, and I send lots of love and support.


  1. Crikey .... Those flowers sure are beautiful, Dory will love them for sure,

  2. So springy! We know Dory and her boyz will love these.

  3. Hari OM
    these are just pawfect!!! YAM xx

  4. Such beautiful flowers for beautiful Dory♥

  5. these are truly special flowers and I am sure Dory has a smile as big as the world on her face

  6. Stunning! Happy Flower Friday ... smiles to Angel Dory and her family.

  7. Ohhh the ball Cacti is very pretty and most unusual. Angel Dory is loving seeing and learning all about new flowers today.
    Hugs madi and mom

  8. Thank you so much for sharing these beautiful mountain flowers in memory of our sweet girl. I thought of you the other day, our area columbines are starting to bloom.

  9. That was such a sweet tribute to beautiful Angel Dory.

  10. your wildflowers are so beautiful just like the beautiful Dory that we are honoring today
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  11. Just gorgeous...Amazing how the flowers can adapt to adverse conditions and keep coming up. Probably a lesson for us all.

  12. So beautiful - just like Dory!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  13. KB, Great post in honor of Dory. We have had rain since last evening; today it has been on and off. I looked at next weeks forecast and they are saying we'll get 4 days of rain. We sure need it.
    Have a great weekend.

  14. I know Dory's family appreciates the beauty and memories shared today as we hold them in our thoughts, offering friendship and comfort.

    Abby Lab

  15. You always have the most unique and pretty flowers - ones we rarely get to see here. You are so right about Dory, another true heart dog - why do all the really special ones have to leave us?:(

  16. I need to plant some crocuses for next year. Our new house came with so many flowers, but not those, and I miss those early bloomers. Our daffodils are just starting to open now.
    Beautiful flowers for Dory, I am sure they are all a comfort to her family at this very difficult time.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  17. What gorgeous flower photos! Dory would have loved them!

  18. You found lots of beautiful flowers for Dory.

  19. What pretty flowers! Fanks for participatin in da Flowers for Dory blog hop.

  20. We will always think of our wonderful furiend, Dory, when we see pretty flowers.

  21. The pasques are one go my favorites, they're flowers are truly gorgeous and once they stop blooming the 'whiskers' that are left are beautifully delicate. No doubt, sweet Dory loved your beautiful tribute.


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