Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Thankful Thursday - Serene Mornings in the Forest

Both Shyla and I bow down in thanks for our serene mornings in the forest.

Even on days when nothing else goes well, a peaceful morning with Shyla makes up for it.
I love living with wilderness just outside our back door and having a pack who loves it as much as I do!


  1. Hari OM
    Oh I'd swap where I am for where you are right this minute... going through my own cobbly-wobbly moments currently and I so miss having Jade to keep me straight! Blessings to you both. YAM xx

  2. Nature sure does good for one's soul. Shyla's eyes are an amazing colour in that last picture.

  3. OMD what a gorgeous picture of her stretching. wish I could stretch like that

  4. You are so precious Shyla. It looks like you are having a good day posing on your rock
    Lily & Edward

  5. What beautiful photos of you, Shyla!

  6. Such a beautiful girl!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  7. Happiness together, a wonderful start to any day.

  8. A fantastic way to start the day.....start with a smile.

  9. You are truly blessed to live in such a gorgeous part of the country - - thank you for sharing it with us!!

  10. I feel the same way, and would so love to live out just a little bit farther. Maybe someday we will!

  11. We love the early morning hours too. Wow, Shyla is looking great!!!

  12. We are not in the wilderness, but we are surrounded by peaceful woods. It amazes me sometimes when we hear nothing but the birds chirping or the frogs singing. There is nothing like that serenity!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  13. You sure are surrounded by beauty, especially sweet Shyla!

  14. oh gurl, you look FABulous! I can't imagine how amazin' that would be! I am all kinds of jealous! I am so glad we can live vicariously through your photos!
    Ruby ♥


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