Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, May 15, 2017

A Day of Rest

I'm suffering from a migraine so I can't write much or even bear to look at my screen for long.I'm cuddling up with the Labraduo.

I can't get out to see the sunset or sunrise so here's a beautiful recent sunset.
I'm hoping that the world brightens for me tomorrow.


  1. Hari OM
    Those cuddles are better than any other medicine, I reckon! YAM xx

  2. We hope you feel better soon, KB!

  3. Hoping you feel better ASAP!

  4. Feel better. These migraines suck
    Lily & Edward

  5. A pawfect cuddle! We hope the migraine went away.

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  6. Monday's are for relaxing, hope you are
    feeling better soon.

  7. I hope you feel better. Have you heard of piercing the Daith for migraines? I've heard some people swear by it, while others have limited relief.

  8. Cuddling with the Labraduo seems like the best medicine.

  9. Sending you lots of gentle hugs - hope you feel better soon.

  10. I've been having a frequent bad headaches in recent months, but not all migraines, thank goodness. I hope this one leaves you quickly, KB. And how nice that you have such a cozy healthcare team for comfort :)

  11. We sure hope it lets up soon. Gentle purrs from all of us.

  12. The best TLC ever. And a glorious sunset is always soul-soothing. Hugs and hopes that tomorrow, ( our today ) is a whole lot better.XX

  13. Here's hoping the headache has a short life. Actually, it looks as if the Duo is pretty content to lie in the sun and take it easy themselves. Feel better soon.

  14. I hope you feel much better soon!

  15. We hope you are feeling better today
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  16. Hope the migraine passed! That's some good cuddling action there - best medicine possible!

  17. Oh boy, does Ma know how you feel! Last month was really hard, and the constant change in the weather doesn't help AT ALL!
    I hopes you are feelin' better nows, and sendin' slobbery kisses...those fix EVERYTHINGS! ☺
    Loves loves loves the pics! OMD, so adorable guys!
    Ruby ♥

  18. So sorry your migraines are back in force. Having had them for more than 40 years, I understand far too well. My interest in alternative therapies came about when an impromptu Reiki session eased a blinding migraine. Since then, both Reiki and craniosacral work have provided relief. I am certain you get lots of suggestions; I know these options have worked best for me over the years. With these and a (fairly) consistent meditation practice, I've gone from 3-4 migraines A WEEK to maybe 1-2 every six weeks. Be well.


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