Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, May 14, 2017

No Place Like Home

On one of the first evenings that we were home from the desert, we got a double treat. We saw the elk herd near our house during the "golden" hour before sunset when their fur glowed gorgeously!

This young bull watched us for a while as he chewed and walked at the same time.

I loved his final very curious look at us.

More of the herd was nearby but they were spread out too much to give you a view of them all.
I had the feeling that they were breathing a sigh of relief to finally have green grass and warm sunshine.

After that, we hiked up to watch the sunset over the mountains with the Labraduo. It was glorious!

After a little while, the orange morphed to a deep pink.

And then the pink directly over the mountains got even brighter!

As we walked away, the pink was becoming crimson, as dusk moved into the forest.
That evening reminded me of how much I love living here in the mountains even if it sometimes snows in May!


  1. I also love what sunshine does to animals and the sky and to all objects. sun paintings are my favorite thing..

  2. Hari OM
    We used to get fire sunsets in OZ too... here in the Bonny Land they tend to being more 'ember'-like, but no less beautiful it must be said. Blessed Sunday to you all. YAM xx

  3. Beautiful evening light, my very favorite.

  4. The sky is amazing and so are those wonderful critters!

  5. What a gorgeous sunset! Happy Mother's Day to your mom, Shyla and R!

  6. Some things are constants in this world. My heart is lightened to know that your blog & your mountain are some of them. Hope all has been well, KB. I will enjoy catching up. Sincerely~ Andrea

  7. Amazing skies!!! Wonderful to see the elk today. And yes there is no place quite as special as home!

  8. Happy Mother's Day

    Aroo to you,

  9. Mother Nature does good work! Happy MOther's Day!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  10. I love to travel, but I love home too! Happy Mother's Day!

  11. You know, if I painted a sky like that, I have a feeling my art instructor would ask me what in the world I was doing…nature is so astounding.

  12. What lovely and changing skies. I love the elk. I know plenty of people who cannot walk and chew gum at the same time. Another lesson we can learn from nature.

  13. It is beautiful and snow in the mountains in May isn't a bad thing. We wouldn't mind it either.

  14. The photos are gorgeous. While we don't live IN the mountains, we are one of the highest elevations around and we get some glorious sunrise and sunsets. It makes dragging myself out of bed in the morning worth it. :-)


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