Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, May 29, 2017

America the Beautiful

I am thankful today for all of those who fought to keep our country free. For me, I appreciate the beauty of our land daily, and I'm reminded at the end of every May that people have fought and died to keep our country free.

We were given a gift on our National Forest - our Fairy Slippers are in bloom! They survived under three feet of snow and are still shining like jewels on the floors of our pine forests. I am overjoyed!
Brace yourselves - I may be posting photos of them daily for a little while!

Another gift is that our aspen groves have the glorious light green hue of early spring.
We have a truly beautiful country from the mountains to the deserts to the coasts. We have our past heroes who fought to make our country better to thank for the freedom to live as we want in our country. I hope that our freedom lives on.

Happy Memorial Day.


  1. That is a gorgeous flower, I don't think I have ever found one of those. Memorial day is a good time to remember those who protected the land, in any way.

  2. Beautiful post, KB! The fairy slipper is just gorgeous!

  3. You neck of the woods is so pretty! We remember our heroes each and every day. Happy Memorial Day.

  4. So lovely. Bring on the fairy slippers as long as you want! Happy Memorial Day.

  5. Words from your heart. Our freedom in whatever part of the world we live, has come at a huge price, and looking at your beautiful flower, it shows how resilient we should all be, like nature, shining there after being smothered in snow. Fairy Slipper, a name that fits perfectly .

  6. We don't recall ever seeing Fairy Slippers! They are beautiful!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  7. Just as we are all remembering and paying tribute to those who have given so much, I love that you're also celebrating the beauty of the fairy slipper, that I think is just exquisite! ❤

  8. We are so happy that your fairy slippers have outlasted that snow - they are just so delicate and pretty.

  9. What a gorgeous flower! We truly do have a beautiful country, and I hope it is appreciated and preserved. We are grateful for all who sacrificed so we can have the freedom to enjoy it as well.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  10. We love freedom too! This is a wonderful country!

  11. I do hope our Nation is unified at least on this one important day. Love the lady slipper. We have similar ones growing here but I do not tell anyone where they are.

  12. OMD, post as many of those fairy slippers as you can! They are so beautifuls!!! Yes, we should always remember that this most beautiful country of ours is free because of those who gave their all. And those who still serve. Let's hope that we keep this beautiful land the way it is. Paws crossed. real tight.
    Ruby ♥

  13. Those fairy slippers are lovely!!

    I too hope our freedoms live on, although to be truthful, I'm beginning to worry.


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