Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Healing on Sunday

We are having a tumultuous weather weekend with flashes of sunshine followed by thunder, hail, snow, and rain. Shyla and I found a window of okay weather to enjoy the trails this morning. We stopped to play our favorite game where she balances a treat on her nose, launches it, and then tries to catch it. Her facial expressions as she tries to snag the treat floor me!

Then, we rode up high, and we saw one of the very first dogs who Shyla was willing to approach on the trails years ago. The dog is a stick obsessed Lab who gives Shyla her space. The human waits for Shyla to approach and then gently pets and snuggles her. They are the perfect pair for Shyla and me!

After we passed on the trails, Shyla took her own turn at galloping up the hill, without a stick.
Many thanks to all my friends on the trails who have been so sweet and gentle with Shyla since the evil woman hit her. Due to their kindness, I think that we are gradually recovering from that incident.


  1. Happy Sunday! You have us smiling, Shyla☺

  2. I enjoyed your happy trip today.. love the stick loving lab, Jake is a stick man to. and that look is priceless on Shyla's face

  3. Nothing better that a well earned happy!

  4. Glad you are getting some positive experiences for Shyla!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  5. So glad you are starting to put that horrible event behind you.

  6. Kindness will always be there, and I hope that that woman will never venture there again, What a glorious day for you all, Shyla, one black lab, and another kind person to restore your and Shyla's faith.

  7. It's so wonderful to hear about her trusting someone else on the trail!

  8. Kindness will eventually overcome the evil, and you will both heal. I am so glad you are on your way to that. ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  9. I just wish I could help by meeting Shyla!

  10. I am glad Shyla approached her. Hopefully she is over being hit.

  11. That is so nice. Isn't it wonderful to have friends who know just what is the right thing to do:)

  12. OH, that is FABulous!!!! This is the best news! Kindness always wins!
    Ruby ♥

  13. Great news! So happy for Shyla and for you!

  14. I'm so glad to hear Shyla is doing better since that horrible incident. You are so lucky to have caring friends to help her too.

  15. I don't want to hear any more about "thunder, hail, snow, and rain"....!! We leave on Wed to begin the trip back to CO. (I hear there is still snow in our yard...) Great pics - I see grass and yellow blooms!

  16. Yay for gentle and kind people. They will help in her healing.

  17. Patience and love conquers a lot of what's wrong with the world these days.


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