Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Baby Moose

Nearby, a mother moose has given birth to a calf. The pair has been hanging out near my neighbor's house, and she took these photos. She was kind enough to give me permission to share them with you.

Look how tiny the calf is!

The pair has positioned themselves for days on end so that my neighbors must walk past them to take their four dogs for a walk. I'm sure that it's nerve-wracking but my neighbor says that the mama moose just watches them go by. Of course, their dogs are leashed!

I just can't get enough of seeing how little the calf is compared to the mama moose!

It has been a pattern in our neck of the woods that mother moose are giving birth close to houses, and then they stay near those houses for quite a while. I've started wondering if being close to humans gives a bit of protection for the tiny calves. Both mountain lions and bears could kill a calf, and neither likes going close to houses.
Knowing that this pair is nearby has added a new level of vigilance to my scanning of the forest whenever Shyla and I start a ride together. I suspect that a mama moose is most protective when her calf is so tiny. And, I bet it won't be long until the pair starts moving around. It's not far to our house.

Part of what I like about wide open meadows is that I can see whether there are dangers lurking nearby, like mother moose who might not want us around!
Happy Moose Day!


  1. awwwwwwwwwww so sweet... and cute to...

  2. They do that in Jackson. My friend up there has been watching a baby that was born in someones yard. They know they are safer near homes, pretty smart animals. And how cute is that baby.

  3. What a cute calf! I don't know how Jessie would do passing a momma and baby moose, even on a leash! She'd be barking so much that momma would get REALLY annoyed.

  4. Hari OM
    Who can't hold back on the ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh when faced with such wonderfur moments! YAM xx

  5. I love this post, the mama so big, the calf so small. I love it also because today is the National Day of Sweden and the moose is national symbol of Sweden also. Once when I lived in Jackson Hole, my car got between a mother moose and her half grown calf. It was winter, huge snowdrifts on both sides of the narrow road, calf in the back of the car, mother in front. She did not let me drive away and kept threatening the car. It was a standoff. Finally, the calf jumped up in the snowdrifts and took matters in its own hands (hooves) moving into the deep snow, followed by the mother. A long comment, but I never forget my nature adventures and your life is certainly full of them. Great post.

    1. I am so glad that I posted about Sweden's national animal on Sweden's special day. It was a wonderful accident!

  6. The baby moose is just too cute!

  7. Oh my mouses! I've never even seen a moose, never mind walked right past one. One, way back when, my Auntie Blossom saw a deer. She wanted to sniff its nose but thought otherwise when the deer wanted to sniff hers! purrs

  8. Beautiful photos, I have never seen any of a baby moose.

  9. Oh, how adorable! I can't imagine trying to walk my crazy dogs past a pair of moose, no matter what size! :)
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  10. Moose Day on Sweden Day, how special!!! It is always so special when friends share photos, and I think the theory that they know being closer to a house gives them more protection. All animals have more sense than we realise, and would know there is no danger from a human right there. The words from the song " Don't fence me in" come to mind as you write about wide open areas, so true. Shyla looks so happy.

  11. Think, if I remember correctly, you remarked just recently on the "odd/funny features" of the moose. Interesting that Baby M doesn't have most of those as yet, guess he/she will grow into them ... a little cutie at this point ... how wonderful to see and be part of nature at her finest and as she is meant to be.

    1. It is really true that the calves don't have the goofy features yet. It's funny that they develop later!

  12. All legs and a head! They are such strange but very majestic creatures.

  13. What a total cutie the baby moose is...and so tiny!!!

  14. They are so cute but very scary when you encounter them cuz you know a concerned momma is not far away!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  15. Cute baby!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  16. Incredible. However I would not be happy to have a moose give birth so near my house. Thanks to your neighbor for the great photographs.

  17. Replies
    1. I don't have more! But I'll ask my neighbor if she has more. I don't want to go over there and bug the pair by snapping photos. But, maybe I'll ask if there's a good sneaky way to do it without upsetting them!

  18. Such a cutie and it's sweet to see the little one and the Mama together. Howdy Shyla!

  19. Such a little cutie. It was nice of your neighbor to share her with all of us.

  20. What a sweet little one. She has such long legs!

  21. Such a privilege to see such a small moose. I was thinking, it probably seems a safe place to the mother to get her calf off to a good start.


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