Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, June 5, 2017

Warm Sunshine Brings Smiles!

Here in the mountains, it feels as if spring explodes all at once. After having 3' of snow piled on our deck a few weeks ago, I am now spending almost every daylight moment outdoors, enjoying the warm air and sunshine. I start with breakfast on the deck, which both dogs adore. They find the warmest sun puddles and bask while I have breakfast.

Meanwhile, I watch our Cordillaren Flycatcher pair work on building their nest. We made a "nest tray" for them under our deck years ago. Every year, a pair stakes out the tray as their own and starts building the nest about now. I'm not sure what building material this flycatcher has on his beak. He was waiting for me to look away from him so that he could "sneak" under the deck.

The hummingbirds buzz around the feeder on the deck, making me smile with delight. They battle for supremacy over the feeder, not understanding that I'll always refill it. There's an unlimited supply of sugar water. This one was doing a crazy maneuver to chase off another male before landing on the feeder.

After that, we usually head out for a mountain bike ride. More flowers are blooming with each passing day. Look at that smile! I was smiling too!

Yellow is the dominant flower color at this time of year.

To fill out my day outdoors, I spent time on the deck working on my computer, I did nosework with Shyla, I worked a little on my veggie gardens, and we finally went for an evening walk. One highlight of the day was when a wild turkey landed on the deck railing! She took off right away upon seeing me. This photo was after she landed a short distance away.
I love being out in the fresh air all day long although I have to admit that I am pleasantly tired at the end of the day!


  1. Hari OM
    A delightful array from your late spring day... or is this officially summer now? (You wouldn't think so over this way...) YAM xx

  2. What a gorgeous place to live! <3

  3. The only wildlife that visits us are the squirrels and skunks! Wish we had some of your visitors!

  4. Outdoor life is so much more fulfilling.

  5. Yellow is the color of joy and so is her face with that big smile.... glad your snow is gone and summer is giving you a good time out doors. we finally got a few inches of rain and our grass and plants are waving there arms in brilliant summer green

  6. Since we moved onto the boat, I don't have the internet bandwidth to keep up as well with my favorite blogs. But you should know that I think of you every time I snap a cool picture of a dolphin or nesting osprey. I'm thinking we need to figure out how to mount some cameras to the boat so we don't miss the cool animal shots that happen to quickly for us to respond to.

    Loving all the yellow. Looks like an amazing season!

  7. Sunshine sure makes us happy. We sure enjoy all your wildlife
    Lily & Edward

  8. The yellow so compliments Shyla's gorgeous brown coat. A beautiful page from nature's beauty.

  9. I can't help but smile broadly as I watch you smile in your yellow flowered field, Shyla! What beautiful photos!

  10. If we lived where you do, we would be out all day too. Here, it is suburban, and that "work" thing gets in the way too.

  11. Such wonderful photos to start our week!

  12. Oh that sounds so perfect! Enjoy :)

  13. Breakfast outdoors, what a treat, And the golden flowers, birds, and more, a beautiful show from nature, down here, another coldish start to our Tuesday, some sewing that must be done, and a couple of visitors at 11.30 a.m.

  14. Though we huddle close to our heaters in the morning, our days are beautiful. We understand being outdoors!

  15. What a beautiful day!! I'm with you, being pleasantly tired from spending the day outside is one of my favorite feelings!

  16. Wow, lots of great pics. Never saw a suncatcher before! I think we skipped spring and are full into summer with triple digits threatening us this week!
    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  17. We had some of that glorious weather last week, but today it is miserable out there. We are being promised an improvement tomorrow - we all hope so. We would be happy to send some Siberian fluff your way for those birds' nests:)

  18. That sounds like such a perfect day! I spent a good part of the day yesterday planting the gardens. It's hard work, and I was so tired by evening....but it's a "good tired". I imagine you know what I mean by that. :)
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  19. Oh, that does sound like the pawfect day!!! Ma wants to sit next to you on your deck, and I wants to run with Shyla through those flowers!!! sigh....thinkin' of you guys and wishin' we were there!
    Ruby ♥

  20. It is easy to see why you love it there!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  21. We have had perfect mornings...sunny with a slight breeze. Then it invariably starts to rain about 1:30 and rains intermittently the rest of the day. But we do enjoy the mornings. Love that the flycatchers have made your home their home as well.

  22. I'm always happy when spring arrives in all her glory too! Enjoy it.


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