Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Sunset and Silhouette Sunday

Our spectacular sunsets have been few and far between recently. One evening this week, we walked to our sunset viewpoint, and we walked away, thinking that it was not a colorful one. Fortunately, about 5 minutes later, I looked over my shoulder to see a fiery glow on the western horizon!

We hustled back and enjoyed watching the end of the sunset.

It truly did look like fire in the sky. And, my favorite bird singer - a hermit thrush - was singing nearby during the sunset. Perfection...

Some of you know how much I love taking photos of dog silhouettes against a colorful sky. Shyla is my usual model but she was out of commission for a long time until, finally, I felt that the clumsiness side effect of the phenobarbital medicine had passed. It was wonderful to have Shyla do her silhouette routine again! All that I have to do is point at the rock, and she eagerly scales it to pose for me.
I think that the phenobarbital-keppra combination is going to work for Shyla. She is still improving in terms of side effects, and she hasn't had a single seizure since adding the phenobarb. I feel hopeful that we will be among the lucky fraction of epilepsy cases where the seizures can be controlled. I am so grateful for that.

Happy Sunday!


  1. I am so thankful the meds are working for her.. that sky really does look like a burning fire. awesome view for end of day

  2. Paws are crossed that this combo will forever work for you, Shyla! Such stunning photos, KB!

  3. We hope that she will not have another one too!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  4. I'm SO GLAD the meds seem to be working and helping Shyla have a joyous and active life :)

  5. We're glad you are doing so well beautiful Shyla! Stunning photos!!!

  6. Snow on the tops in summer, red skies, and Shyla there on a rock, beautiful in every way.

  7. Beautiful sunset photos! And great news about Shyla and her meds :-)

  8. Such wonderful news...it is so nice to see Shyla silhouetted against the beautiful sunsets again!!

  9. we are so happy the meds are keeping the seizures away and Shyla is getting herself back
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  10. I hope she will continue to do well. Seizures must be so scary for a dog and for their human as well. It would be wonderful if they are now in the past. She makes a beautiful model agains that gorgeous sky.

  11. So good to hear all the great reports on Shyla. We are so happy the meds are working for her.

  12. Happy to see Shyla up on her rock again.

  13. Your beautiful pictures have a true peace and calm about them, and seeing Shyla in her spot again, warms my heart.

  14. OMD, those are such beautiful sunsets!!! And you knows I loves the silhouettes! And I am doin' a happy dance, okays, happy zoomies abouts you Shyla!!!! This is such good news!
    Ruby ♥

  15. Absolutely thrilling to see Shyla's silhouette against such a perfect sky again. :)

  16. That is such good news, and those are such beautiful photos!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  17. I'm glad to hear that! I hope she continues to feel better and adjust to the medications.

    And the photos are stunning...of course!

  18. As the pawrent of an Epi-Warrior, I know how much it means when you find a remedy that keeps the monster at bay. We are on phenobarbital too with CBD oil. So far (fingers and paws crossed) both Shyla and Elsa continue to stay seizure free.
    P.S. Gorgeous sunsets!!


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