Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Silly Saturday Trick

It is amazing how much fun Shyla and I have with one silly little trick.

 She sometimes tosses the treat in the air and snarfs it like it's no big deal.

But she often doesn't and makes hilarious faces as she tries to snarf it.

Sometimes she flips the treat into the air with too much gusto, and it completely disappears, leaving Shyla with crazy looks on her face.

Ah, she says... do you see what I have put up with around here to earn my treats?
Actually, she doesn't mind at all. She's always ready for another silly game.

Happy Silly Saturday!


  1. I especially love the last picture - so completely relaxed :)

  2. We love the pictures of you and your mom having silly fun, Shyla!

  3. I love love love the expressions on her face. just to funny and SWEET

  4. I have been trying to teach Hailey that one but she drops her head. Love Shyla's face.

  5. Hari OM
    Cuteness personified!!! Sending Love (been away from all comms networks for a week, which was blissful - but also 'missful'!) Huggies, YAM xx

  6. Shyla's eyes tell so much , and goofy as that all might look, she is a dream girl.

  7. Oh Shyla...you have the cutest silly game faces!

  8. WE could try that trick if we had noses to balance the treat on BOL!
    Mr BAiley, Hazel & Mabel

  9. Nice trick and catch too.
    Best funny faces love them.

  10. Such fun - we love how you can capture those silly faces so well:)

  11. Wow! She does have some really SILLY faces!!! I love that last pic too...so peaceful and relaxed.
    xo Chloe

  12. Awww, what a sweetie she is. Love the different facial expressions that you mamaged to capture.

  13. I do love the silly expressions on her face. I'm sure that each time she is confident she will catch the treat. Our Golden Retriever cannot catch a tennis ball in the air, even when it is very gently tossed. She misjudges it every single time and jumps the instant the ball leaves my hand rather than when it reaches her. Silly dogs make me smile.

  14. Those are wonderful action shots! I love her expressions. Thanks for making me smile ☺

  15. What fun you have together. And such wonderful photos.

  16. I love these photos so much. I need to start trying this with Luke!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  17. It's so cool your photographic gear captures those lovely moments. It's a win for us too.

  18. I love those faces! Glad you could capture them with the camera!


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