Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Funny Faces

Can you guess what kind of game we were playing when I took this photo? Yes, it did involve treats. Only treats could make Shyla open her eyes so wide on a bright day!

Here was the next photo in the series, as I tossed Shyla a treat. She seemed to be looking the wrong way!

We also played the game where she balances a treat on her nose and then flips it into the air.

It was a good day for games like these ones. My spine was hurting so dog games were more fun than too much riding.
I hope that you're having a better start to the week than I am!


  1. Lol, that last picture is too funny! She obviously takes treat catching very seriously!

  2. her face is PRICELESS I love the LOOKS.. makes me laugh every time. the first two should say WHAT??? You did WHAT??? ReallY???
    is the bell on her collar to keep track of her when walking?

    1. Yes, the bell helps me to know where she is when I'm riding my bike and she's off-leash. It also warns the wildlife that we're about to pass them. I really like it - so I can use my ears to keep track of her!

  3. oh I guesssed it... it's treat acrobatic...or treat-art ;o)

  4. Oh what fun for both of you. I miss such days I had with my hunting dogs...

  5. I am just as focused when it comes to treats
    Edward (& Lily)

  6. You so can make us laugh, Shyla! Thank you☺

  7. I hope those silly photos made you smile as much as us. Feel better soon.

  8. You do a fantastic job capturing the spirit of a dog in your pictures

  9. Our week has not got off to a great start, but love the look in Shyla's eyes. Hope your back feels better soon.

  10. We're sorry to hear you're hurting so much! Shyla made all of us smile!!!
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher

  11. How funny! I instantly knew Shyla was looking at an airborne treat! There's only one thing that can cause that look.

    Sorry to hear your back is hurting you. Such a painful condition--especially for an active person.

  12. Such focus! Hope your back pain improves
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  13. Shyla always makes us smile. We hope your spine starts behaving.

  14. So sorry you are having more back pain. But so glad you have Shyla for comedic relief. I love watching her facial expression. She seems to believe that the next time will be the one.

  15. BOL!!!! OMD, those are priceless!!! Ma tries to gets me to catch thingies, butts I got NO eye-mouth coordination!! I hopes your back is feelin' better soon. I gots my paws crossed for you!
    Ruby ♥

  16. Absolutely LOVE the expressions on Shyla's face!! She really is beautiful. Sure hope your back feels better...that puts a damper on everything. POTP for you!

  17. If only we could catch. My sisters and I just can't figure out how to catch anything that comes at us!

  18. I love her expressions. They are priceless! I hope you are feeling better.

  19. Shyla makes taking an easy day so much fun! :) Hope you feel better soon. ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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