Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, June 12, 2017

Living in the Mountains - The good, the bad, and the good

I love spring so much. I love the flowers, the long days, the birds, and the butterflies. In fact, I've been known to chase butterflies all over a meadow trying to photograph them. Needless to say, I've had almost no success with that strategy!

This morning, Shyla and I were sitting atop Hug Hill. I just happened to have my macro lens on my camera, and a swallowtail butterfly landed right next to us. It was drinking pollen from a "wallflower", and it stayed a very long time. I captured many photos, enjoying every moment of sitting in the sunshine next to one of nature's finest works of art.

So much of life is simply get out there into the world and seeing what happens. Some days, I'll have a good, but unremarkable, day. Other days, a swallowtail butterfly lands next to me.

As I sit here typing, the hummingbirds are drinking sugar water at our feeder. The feeder has six holes and all six are occupied by hummers. The hummers are drinking sugar water faster this spring than any year in recent memory. I love trying to photograph them as they move a warp speed in the air above my head.

Those are the things that made me smile today. However, a couple of things discouraged me. It was a weekend day, which meant that there were visitors to our beautiful area, some of whom were dirtbags. Some bad visitors brought pictures of people and then shot at the pictures. I found those shot-pocked pictures. I found them to be too disturbing to show photos of them here. Some people who visit here are incomprehensibly messed up.

Then, as I pedaled onward from the shooting site, I found that a group of transients had set up camp in a truck camper that a homeless group abandoned more than a month ago. The area was already strewn with fresh garbage by the new "campers". I have repeatedly asked that the truck camper be hauled away so that it wouldn't become a hotel for bad campers. Obviously, I lost that battle. However, the larger fight goes on...

No matter what, I adore this area and the life that we have here. Aside from my spine pain, I feel like I'm living the dream version of my life.
I ride my bike with Shyla by my side through fields of wildflowers every morning. It's almost too good to be true.


  1. I love swallowtails. There are a lot here in the canyon were i walk the dogs. They go after Torrey's pink leash all the time. I'm so sad you have dirt bags to deal with, makes me so angry when the few ruin it for the many.

  2. Your pictures are so serene and beautiful!
    Shame on those dirtbag visitors and campers!

  3. There will always be a component of people who are just dirt bags. I wish I knew how to fix that. BUT you can enjoy the beauty that exists everywhere around us, and you do a great job photographing it!

  4. We love the spring too. We sit for hours looking for beautiful things like the birds, butterflies and baby birds
    Lily & Edward

  5. Living the dream...that's called the good life. Bravo.

  6. That is sad that people bring photos to shoot at. I hope you and Shyla stay safe from these scary people. Beautiful photos. We feed hummers, but the most we have had at once this year is 3.

  7. Too bad the trash has to leave trash behind. You area is most beautiful and we appreciate you sharing it with us!

  8. You live in such a beautiful part of our country; it's shameful that people trash it up.
    LOVE your Swallowtail shot! Wouldn't it be nice if all wildlife was as cooperative?

  9. We understand the dirtbags. We have them here. Cannot understand people who have to destroy for enjoyment.

  10. I'm so sorry you have to deal with people who are dirtbags and worse. But then there's the butterfly and what a gorgeous picture of it. It's still far, far better than life in the city, where dirtbags abound and butterflies are few and far between.

  11. There will always be scumbags in our lives, and although I,too, protest, sometimes think it is futile. Shyla leaping with joy, maybe we all need to concentrate on beauty, happiness, sunshine and friends.Your hummers, the butterfly, and mountain gold are all so lovely, Today we have rain, a lot, and very grey skies. Off to put some wood through the splitter for more kindling!!!

  12. We wish there weren't any dirtbags in the world to ruin the beauty. I guess all we can do is focus on the beauty as much as possible....you seem to do a pretty good job of that with your wonderful photographs!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  13. I am sorry bad people are invading your area. No matter where you go there are bad people there. Did you know that butterflies are your angles coming back to visit you?

  14. Our National Forests are now being overrun by some of those same disgusting people. One more reason we built in a gated community where the forests and wildlife are respected. We still go to the National and State forests, but only mid-week. Most of the "losers" hang out on weekends.

  15. So sad that your area has been discovered by those who don't appreciate it!

  16. Humans have a talent for ruining a good thing, sadly. Where you live and get to be outdoors does look like a wonderful dream.


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