Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Sunday Sweet Things

I have two good things to tell you on Sunday.

First, we have a very sweet dog visiting. She has beautiful brown eyes, and she doesn't scare Shyla! This is the first time that we've taken care of a visiting dog since Shyla arrived. This brown-eyed girl was the perfect choice as the first because she is so sweet with everyone, including Shyla.

Second, I saw an incredible moonrise last evening. It was the smallest full moon of the year because the moon is further from us than at any other full moon in 2017. Also, it was called a "Strawberry moon". I've actually seen more reddish moons in the past but this one was beautiful nonetheless.
Happy Summertime Sunday to readers in the Northern Hemisphere. Happy Snuggly Sunday to all of you "down under"!


  1. Hello, it is still Sunday, although almost all over, at 10.38 p.m. Very snuggly indeed, cold mornings, fires lit every day, or late afternoon, and merino gear necessary. At least for those in my age era!! Beautiful brown eyes, and another huge milestone for Shyla. Enjoy your summery week ahead.

  2. Happy Summertime Sunday to you too! We are finally enjoying some beautiful weather here!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  3. Beautiful moon, and those eyes! Are you still planning on going to Jackson for the eclipse this year? It's going to be packed.

    1. We are trying to figure out a place that will be less packed. Do you have ideas? If they're secret (but you're willing to share), send me an email - kynabear5 at gmail.

  4. Happy Summertime Sunday to you too, KB☺ Gorgeous eyes and a beautiful moon!

  5. So nice that Shyla is enjoying her "company" - I wish Piper had a friend who could visit and "stay over" :)

  6. Hari OM
    Such wonderfur things, the both! (I spotted the moon the other evening... through the bank of cloud. Sigh...) YAM xx

  7. Yay for the new pal for Shyla. That is a beautiful moon shot!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  8. The perfect visitor for Shyla. Every little bit helps. Your moon shot is fabulous. Our cheap camera just cannot capture the moon.

  9. Both are so beautiful! Your visitor's eyes are stunning. So glad she doesn't scare Shyla!

  10. Welcome to you guest. I noticed the moon the past 2 nights as I was actually out after 10 and it was amazing.

  11. Your visitor pup is beautiful. Something about her face reminds us of "K".

  12. OMD, how pawsome!!!!!! What a face! I am so glads Shyla likes her! That means 'I' likes her too! BOL
    Loves that moon shot! wowsa!
    Ruby ♥

  13. Oh what a sweet face!!

    The moon photo is amazing. We never get good views like that where I am, too much light pollution.

  14. We are happy to hear that doggy is not scary Shyla
    Lily & Edward


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