Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, June 17, 2017

Saturday Silliness!

Shyla made it through her mini-seizure and is okay now. We're hoping for a peaceful weekend. She seems fine now.

I hope that all of you find something that makes you as excited about life as Shyla was in this moment!
Happy Saturday!


  1. Sorry to hear she had a mini seizure but must say, she looks no worse for it!

  2. OMD, that picture could become famous!

  3. Hari OM
    Phew... just a little bump in the road, eh? That shot, to coin a phrase, is priceless!!! YAM xx

  4. Glad to hear Shyla is feeling better. That face always makes me smile.

  5. Those yellow wildflowers would definitely make me look like I was shouting out. Happy weekend.

  6. Yay, Shyla! Have a wonderful Saturday☺

  7. Yes, yes, and yes... Team New Zealand has won the two races held today in Bermuda. Peter Burling told of how his boat, the builders, and his team are all New Zealand. However it is early days yet. So glad Shyla is doing OK, and the night did not bring anything so bad. Hugs from NZ to you all,

  8. MINI seizure sounds good compared to a full one! Put that behind you and get out there and enjoy more adventures.

  9. What a fun picture! You just can't help but smile.

  10. Shyla is a blogger star, that picture is just so great! I was sorry to hear she showed signs of a seizure right after you posted your thankful post. But good that the meds helped. I hope she continues to do well.

  11. We love, love, love that happy go munchie Shyla photo!

  12. I am glad she is OK. Such a pretty photo of her.

  13. Shyla is such a character - she knows how to make her human and US smile:) Peaceful weekend to you.

  14. paws crossed for a peaceful weekend
    Mr bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  15. I did receive some news this last week that caused me to have much the same expression.

  16. That is a face to make anyone smile!

  17. Thought of Shyla often yesterday - glad to hear she is well :)

  18. She's such a happy, silly, girl! I'm so, so glad she got through that OK.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  19. Oh, yes, that's a great wish that we all have something that makes us THIS excited and happy. Love it. Hope she's doing okay. Sending pawsitive thoughts her way!

  20. You get some really great shots when she tries (and misses) to catch the treats. Great goofy look.

  21. Ha roo roo roo!!! Oh, that's PERFECT, Shyla!
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher


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