Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, June 16, 2017

Bursting with Color in Colorado

Right now at this instant, it is absolutely glorious in our mountains. I can't get through a bike ride without taking too many photos!

Even though it was warm, Shyla was in good spirits this morning. Look at the yellow and green all around her.

This is, bar none, my favorite time of year.

The beauty is leaping out at me, both in the form of flowers and in the form of Shyla!

And, to top it off, the first Columbines opened their buds and bloomed yesterday!!!!
I adore Colorado Columbines. I'll limit myself to one photo today... even though I took far more than one!

Happy Flower Friday! The flowers are bursting with beauty here in Colorado!

P.S. Unfortunately, I jinxed the seizure situation with being "thankful" for Shyla's lack of seizures yesterday. She had signs of an impending seizure all Thursday evening, including twitching like in a true seizure and teeth chattering. We've given her extra medications, and now we're hoping for a calm night. Epilepsy sucks. (Sorry for the language but this disease calls for it).

This flower part of this post is in memory of our friend Bilbo and is for his family. May they all find peace.


  1. oh no on the seizures, praying now for them to go away and for those meds to kick in. all that beauty says joy in your photos of her and the flowers.. hugs to all of you

  2. Hoping that Shyla is her old self this morning!

    I would love to see Colordo Columbines. They grow in gardens here, we bet they are twice as beautiful growing wild! Thanks so much for dedication and for being part of Flower Friday!

  3. Such beautiful wildflowers. Shyla we love seeing you so happy
    Lily & Edward

  4. So beautiful, your posts make me want to pack up the collies and move. But my family and work are here, so this is where I'll stay. But hopefully I will get out there to visit someday. I've seen many parts of the country, but not your state.

    Hope Shyla is doing ok!

  5. Glad Shyla had a good day running in the blossoms.

    But seizures are scary--even when you know what they are. My last dog had seizures related to a brain tumor and every one was a horror.

    Sending healing wishes to Shyla and some rest for you from the worry.

  6. Thank you for sharing the beauty of your word. We're hoping Shyla has a calm day.

  7. Thank you for sharing the beauty of your word. We're hoping Shyla has a calm day.

  8. You look so beautiful romping through the incredible yellow flowers, Shyla! My paws are crossed for NO MORE SEIZURES!

  9. We hope you were able to prevent the seizure! :(
    How we would love to run, run, run with Shyla!!!!

  10. The mountains are spectacularly gorgeous in bloom. Here's to a great weekend enjoying them.

  11. Such wonderful photos and we are so sorry that dear Shyla had a bad time.

  12. We think your language about Epilepsy is mild. Love those gorgeous blooms.

  13. Beautiful flowers. So sorry to hear about Shyla. Hope it is just an isolated instance.

  14. We have chatted before about the jinxing of seizures, but maybe it was the change in your weather that triggered this event. Hopefully the extra meds have helped ward off a full blown seizure. Enjoy that beauty all around you, including and especially Shyla.

  15. You do live in a very beautiful area. It is truly stunning. I am afraid the seizure monster is never going to leve for good but you are doing a wonderful job managing it.

  16. Such beautiful flowers and Shyla. Paws crossed that the med help keep the evil seizure monster away.


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