Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Thankful Thursday - Shyla

I am so thankful for Shyla's good health. Her epilepsy medicines have side effects that I don't like but they do control her seizures. That is a gift.

Despite some side effects, she is always happy while we do nosework or other training together. She adores that stuff! And she adores running through meadows.
We had a lot of choices back when we adopted Shyla, and I'm so glad that we chose her. I think that she needed (and still needs) a ton of attention, and that's what she's getting here!

Here she is with one of her favorite people on Earth. Shyla and he are an unlikely pair because he's extremely tall and has a beard... but Shyla constantly wants to be snuggling in his lap when he's visiting.

We love her and so do many of our friends!
We are thankful that Shyla is part of our family!


  1. Shyla clearly knows good people when she sees them.

    1. That is so true. It's as if she picks up special vibes from some people who truly are very kind and gentle, even if they aren't the usual stereotype of who dogs are most comfortable around.

  2. You were definitely meant to find each other. She has a life many dogs would love to have!

  3. She is blessed to have landed in your life and of course she is a blessing to you also. Our Jake blessing got in a fight with 2 pit bulls this past Sunday and is under the weather with a lame right shoulder. it hurts to watch them struggle. the pains pills side effect is heavy panting

    1. Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear about Jake. I hope that he recovers fast but it sounds like he's already had a number of days of pain :(

  4. Hari Om
    It's Love and we must always be grateful for Love!!! YAM xx

  5. And I'm thankful that you share Shyla with us through your wonderful pictures.

    Isn't it interesting to see which people become our dogs' special friends? They have strong preferences and seem to know things about the character of people that humans have trouble figuring out, even after years of knowing someone.

    1. Dogs do have a gift for seeing through everything to find the gems among people.

  6. I love her snuggle picture. It reminds me of Delilah, she loves those cuddles with her dad.

  7. I'm so glad she is doing better on the medication. She does look extremely happy.

  8. Maybe she snuggles in his lap so she doesn't have to look at the skeery tallness and beard? BOL

  9. Happy Shyla! So happy the meds are working
    Lily & Edward

  10. What a wonderful home she found. I know Shyla is thankful too and I think she was born to run through meadows of yellow flowers.

  11. What a gift Shyla has been for you. I'm so glad you found each other. :)

  12. What a fantastic profile photo of them together. Shyla knows who care, and sits there so happy and contented and safe. Beautiful golden flower, she might just be holding it in her hands.

  13. Shyla seems to be exactly where she belongs. ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  14. And we think Shyla is oblivious to all the joy she gives you. Such a sweet girl.

  15. I'm certain that Shyla is very thankful for you too! ♥

  16. So sweet. It's no wonder you're totally thankful.

  17. Without a doubt dogs can read people very well - there has to be something about that man that gives her very good vibes.

  18. Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop, we're always happy when you pop in!!!

  19. Shyla is one lucky dog. I fear where she might be with someone not wiling to do the trust-building and gentle training you and the runner did with her. Her life is so much better for having lived with you. And I do believe yours is also much better. Hurrah for our dogs.

  20. There are some things that are truly just meant to be - And Shyla being with you is one of those things. Not many people would take the time to really understand her and give her what she needs to find that balance in her life to manage her fears. I also love the photo with your friend - He is a true "Shyla Whisperer" :-)

  21. Shyla is a lucky girl to live in such a wonderful place with so much love. Even though her meds are perfect, nothing in life is and it has to be better than seizures.

  22. We are so thankful Shyla has a home where she is loved and given plenty of attention. We are sorry the epilepsy medicines cause side effects. Healing purrs to Shyla.

  23. That's so beautiful! Shyla is exactly where she needs to be!!!

  24. We're glad you found Shyla to adopt into your family and we are sure she is too.


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