Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Saturday Silliness

Many of you remember the way that Shyla was when she arrived in our family - afraid of everything. She's improved by leaps and bounds.
However, she still is more easily scared than most other dogs. Even an accidentally sharp tone from me can send her into a tail spin.

To continue to build our bond and her confidence, I play with her almost everyday. We play all sorts of silly games - like toss the treat.

And she wanted you to know that she does catch it sometimes, contrary to what some posts seem to show.

Yesterday, we concocted another silly game. I made a 30 second video to show you the game, which you can watch here or at Youtube. We played it during a break in a mountain bike ride which is why I have a helmet and silly clothes on!

What silly games do you play with your furry friends?


  1. Hari OM
    The best of fun is that which you make for yourself... or have your two-legger make up for you, right Shyla?!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  2. How cool is that? Neither one of these guys can catch treats worth a lick but they are ever so gentle when they take a one from my hand. No missing fingers yet-that's good, right?! 😁

  3. This really makes my heart happy..to hear the happy tone of your voice and the big smiley on Shyla's face as you play!!!

  4. Patty Cake!! Well done Shyla!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

    1. I suddenly realized that it was the "patty cake" game of my childhood. It's funny how those early games stick with us.

  5. Now that is the cutest thing I have seen today! Did it take long to teach her?

    1. It didn't take long at all! She already knew a right-pawed high five, and we've been working on imitation as a form of training. I think that she just imitated my motions, and we had it! It took only a few minutes to teach.

  6. High-five, Shyla! You're super good at that! I've never tried that, but I can "give 5". Maybe my mom and I should give this a try!!!
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher

  7. Yay! Hazel does a high five!
    Hazel & Mabel

  8. That looks like so much fun! Thank you for the smiles, girls☺

  9. That is such fun! Luke and I play the same game and he loves it. I think games and fun can go a long way towards building a dog's confidence. I should do better at playing this with Luke in other places other than in the house, and at times he might be nervous about something, as a distraction.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

    1. It has been hard to build up to playing away from home. My trainer has "play" be one of the tests of whether Shyla is comfortable enough to do some training in an environment. You are so savvy that I'm sure that you know this - start easy, in places a lot like home, and then gradually move to more "alien" environments... E.g., I doubt that Shyla would play this game in the shopping part of our town - she's too worried about the bustle.

  10. That's looks more like two really good friends having fun being silly!!!

  11. We love the video with the high five pretty Shyla!!!

  12. Fun and games outside yep we like that you are enjoying the summer.
    I pretend to walk like herman munster and Astro runs wagging his tail.

  13. I love watching your fun and games. You have done a fantastic job with Shyla.

  14. I just love this!! Your videos are so uplifting to watch!! I can tell you are both having fun!

  15. Lucy loves to play a version of keep away. She grabs a tug toy for me to throw. I throw it and she gets it then runs to me. When she gets to where I am, she "growls" then jumps into the air and runs away. She prances as if to say, "ha, ha, I fooled you." Then she will select a tennis ball and we do the same thing. She can shake hands with both paws, so I suspect I could modify that and teach her your little game as well. Great idea.

    1. I think that any kind of play is good for both us and our dogs! Often, the games that the dogs make up (like Lucy's) are their favorites. Shyla doesn't yet have the confidence to make up her own games so I am still guiding her with games like the one we played in the video. We started playing "peek-a-boo" the other day, and she's gradually coming to love that one too!

  16. BOL!!! OMD, gurl that is FABulous! that is my favorite trick...high paw! Butts...the only thingie I CAN'T do, is the 'up'. I don't gots the balance. Ma has tried and tried to gets me to go UP, butts I always tip overs! BOL
    Ruby ♥

    1. Then just high five!!! That's so much fun! I've read that the two paws up can be very tough on the spine so vets say not to do it if it isn't really easy for your dog... So keep on high-fiving, Ruby!

  17. We don't have any formal silly games. Mom just enjoys doing silly stuff with us when it pops up.

  18. So cute! Rita can shake with both paws so we'll have to try progressing to high fives (er, high four on her part). She can't "up" though. Not sure why but the girl has no balance.

    A silly game we like to play on the bed is "blanket monster". I hide my hands under the blanket and we tussle. Good times.


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