Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Stormy Sunset and Silhouette Sunday

We've had some tumultuous weather recently, with a very hot spell (it hit 80°F - the horror!) followed by storms. One evening, I thought it would be a gray evening hike but I was wrong!

When we climbed up to a high plateau, the views were fabulous.

Look at those thunderhead clouds!

And, sweet Shyla was even up for being my silhouette model! It was an odd composition for a silhouette photo though. It almost looks like the big orange cloud is coming out of Shyla's back!
Sometimes, stormy weather makes for the best sunset weather!


  1. Wow, that sky is a painting. and Shyla, perfect as she stands there so quietly.

  2. Storm clouds are a key ingredient in fabulous sunsets. That is an amazing sky.

  3. Those sunset shots are beautiful! I love storms - the clouds fascinate me. Shyla's silhouette makes it even better!

  4. As always, you've captured the beauty of our state pawfectly.

  5. I still have my pictures from my one and only attempt at taking silhouette pictures. It was 5 years ago, and you had told me if you get the sun angled right, it creates rainbows behind the dog. :)

  6. You always get the most amazing photos.

  7. The storm heads look much different from that height.

  8. Storms make for beautiful skies!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  9. That's the good thing about clouds, they do make sunrises and sets spectacular.


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