Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, July 2, 2017

A Mountain Lion and her Two Kittens

Some of you know that I've been lamenting how few mountain lions my trail cams have been capturing. Some of my cams have been in the same spots for years, and far fewer lions have passed them in the past year than most years. Recently, I had the excitement of a trio of mountain lions passing two trail cameras!

I saw this photo from my trail camera, and I expected it was just one mountain lion passing by.

Then, I saw this photo. Another set of eyes had appeared.

Then, I got very excited because yet another set of eyes had appeared to the right. Moreover, you can see the eye and body of another mountain lion on the left side of the kitten.

The kitten glanced back toward his/her family.

The kitten looked the other way...

... and then the kitten departed to follow mom.

I also captured footage of the mountain lions with a trail camera that records video. It is just so cool to see three mountain lions together! Check out the video!

The trio remained in one area for at least a few days so I suspect that they had prey cached nearby. I hope that we catch some more glimpses of them in the future!


  1. Amazing! Amazing! Amazing! that is one for each cat. Wow.. they are so beautiful.

  2. I agree, amazing it the word. How cool to see that family!

  3. That is so awesome - aren't they beautiful!!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  4. That is wonderful! I love seeing what you capture on your cameras!

  5. Great footage KB! I am now wondering if I will meet a mt lion on my back trail. I doubt I'll see one during the day - actually, I'm hoping I don't! Found scat yesterday only about a half mile from my house, right in the middle of the trail. Also found some on a recent hike when I neared the top of Black Powder Pass. (I found myself looking up into the branches when I hiked down to treeline!) Happy 4th to your family.

  6. How exciting!!! I am always amazed by the wildlife you share!

  7. Your post title showed up on our Reading List yesterday, but the actual post didn't show up until this morning. It was worth waiting for, just the thing to watch with coffee. So exciting to see the animals that are usually hidden from humans.

  8. They must have just picted a new place to hang out for awhile!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  9. Thanks for sharing - we love seeing the mountain lions.

    Happy Sunday.

  10. OMD, they are so beautiful! I don't know that I have ever seen three like that! Very cool! I hopes you get them and the kittens again!
    Thanks so very much for the pics and the video! I loves seein' all these!
    Ruby ♥

  11. it is great to see them via your cam... they looks so cute I nearly could forget that they are wild animals ;o)

  12. They are so cute. While I love all your wildlife, the cougars are my favourites.

  13. Such exquisite faces! And how lucky you are to be able to capture such beauties.


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