Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, July 3, 2017

Natural Sky Show for 4th of July Weekend!

We had a natural sky show for the fourth of July weekend!

As we watched the orange colors, the Hermit Thrush were singing and the Night Hawk couple were squawking at each other as they caught bugs over our heads. I love those sounds.

There were no loud booms, which made us all happy! Neither of our dogs is super sound sensitive but I worry about every stressor due to Shyla's epilepsy.
Due to the fire danger, we shouldn't hear any booms for the holiday. Campfires, shooting, and fireworks are all banned. Of course, that hasn't stopped our "visitors" in the National Forest from having campfires. I've found two abandoned smoldering campfires in the past few days, requiring a full response from the fire department. Thank goodness for our dedicated volunteer firefighters and for our Deputies who chase down the "campers" who have fires despite the fire ban.

I hope that you're having a fun and safe holiday weekend.


  1. Crikey ... that's better than any fireworks display. How can campers be so irresponsible? Surely they know that one fire left smouldering can destroy what they supposedly enjoy.

  2. "You can't fix stupid!" That saying holds more true in certain situations. Having a camp fire... and abandoning it before it's fully out... all during a ban... is just one of those! Happy Holiday to you folks, both human and furry, as well. xoxo

  3. I much prefer God's fireworks, except of coure when he throws those lighting bolts like he did yesterday. we had a couple of booms that broke the sound barrier inour summer storm. we also have neighbors doing fireworks since Friday.. makes me so mad, since it is illegal here

  4. We like that kind of sky! Fireworks are banned in our area but we know there will be violators!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  5. We approve of this kind of sky show! Well done. Wishing you a safe 4th of July celebration. 🇺🇸

  6. The sky is an artform into itself!!!

  7. Wow - the natural sky show is the most beautiful kind!

  8. Why can people not respect fire bans? Sigh.
    We had 18 straight days of rain, 8 with thunderstorms, so no danger of fire here.

  9. Just another day down here, but I missed 1st July, and already 4th July here!! Nature celebrated for you, and I do hope there are no fireworks, or camp fires to add unnecessary excitement.I can never understand how people ignore the danger when in the wild areas, no fire hoses handy, and so many acres waiting to be damaged.

  10. We much prefer those beautiful skys to fireworks any day!
    Hazel & Mabel

  11. Now THOSE are some beautiful skies! We'd like those MUCH better than all the boom, boom, boom around here!!
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher

  12. You are lucky to not have the awful fireworks. They even frighten Mom out of her sleep at night. No fun! Your sky is much better.

  13. Nature's fireworks are spectacular. Perhaps you should get some drone cameras to spot those fires while the people are still there.

  14. You have campers who start fires in wildfire areas. We have boaters who dump all manners of waste and poison into the water they live in.

    Isn't it horrifying how nonchalant people are about damaging the sites we love and depend on?

    But your skies are stunning. We don't usually see that shade of orange on the east coast. It's amazing.

  15. Such beautiful and dramatic skies. We hope you have a peaceful and safe holiday.

  16. That sounds like a very nice way to celebrate the Fourth. We miss Angel Ciara so very much, but at least she doesn't have to deal with her fear of those darn fireworks.

  17. That sounds like a perfect 4th to us.


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