Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, July 17, 2017

A Thirsty and Limping Mountain Lion

Another mountain lion visited a water hole in front of my trail camera. He visited twice. The first time was in the wee hours of the morning.

The second visit to the water hole was one week later during daylight!

He looked very strong and noble.
He took a very long drink of cool and clean water. Then, he started to walk away, and I saw that he had a serious limp. The water hole has a small stream feeding it, and he had to step over it as he departed. You'll see him limp as he crossed the stream, clearly protecting his left hind limb.

I hope that he's okay. Even a week without being able to kill prey like deer is serious for a mountain lion.

Here's the video, which you can watch here or at Youtube.


  1. He sure was thirsty.
    It must be difficulty to walk and hunt injured.
    Hope he is okay.
    xo Astro

  2. That video is great! I sure hope he is ok, and the injury isn't too severe.

  3. So beautiful - just magnificent! He definitely seemed stiff and sore at the least... I hope we see him again!

  4. Hari OM
    that's a lot of water... I add my POTP for the lion's leg... YAM xx

  5. Hopefully it is just a darn bad sprain and will be okay soon.

  6. Poor baby. Hope it heals
    Lily & Edward

  7. Gosh, listening to him drink was making me thirsty! I sure hope he's okay.

  8. I'm so glad they can find water. I worry about that when it's so dry. I hope that limp improves for the big cat soon.

  9. Lapping a lot of water, maybe fluid will keep him going for a while, a fantastic view of a big cat.

  10. He still had good flex in his joints and that is a good sign. I didnt see any open wounds but of course we couldnt see his pads that well. My opinion...He will be fine. and I'm sticking to that. Is it a good sign that he was not collared?

    1. The state captured and removed collars from all the lions who had functional ones 1.5 yrs ago. The only remaining issue is the lions whose collars are not functioning so the state can't track them down to remove the collars. It's good that this one doesn't have one!

      And, I hope that you're right about his limp. We know how close to the edge these animals live which is why I get upset at the slightest thing wrong with them...

  11. Hope it isn't anything that will keep him out of action for too long.

  12. Praying he is OK. We would hate to see him become prey.

  13. Poor kitty. It is so sad to see as they can't go anywhere to get help.

    1. He needs kitty physical therapy but I'm not going to be the one to give it to him!

  14. He sounds like he was thirsty. Hope his leg will mend well.

  15. Wow he was really thirsty. Hoping his leg is OK
    Hazel & Mabel

  16. Crikey ..... and I thought I could drink!! Sending POTP for his leg. I sure hope he is ok. He looks like a decent sort of bloke.

  17. What an excellent capture of such a regal guy, it always makes me smile to see how they crouch to drink just like domestic cats...We also hope his leg heals quickly!

  18. OMD, he is so handsome! Yeah, i thinks it looks like when I strain my leggie....a few days he should be right as rain! Oh, and Ma says he drinks as loud as I do! BOL!!!
    Ruby ♥

    1. You make me smile, Ruby! You can't possibly drink that loudly :)

  19. hugs (from a distance) for the mountain lion and lots of potp... we sure hope he will be ok...

  20. We sure he's OK too. What a magnificent cat!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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