Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Happy, happy summer!

I love summer, and it's flying by way too fast! We've been spending time in the high mountains, enjoying the cool thin air.

And the Duo have been leaping into lakes.

Very little makes me smile as much as watching them play like puppies!
Happy Summer from our high mountains to your favorite summer place!


  1. I think those of us who survive long winters really appreciate the summer (which is always too short!)

  2. I have been playing with merging two photos and making double exposures. these two photos would be perfect together, they are both leaping with joy and in much the same position.

  3. I don't think you've ever posted a picture of your home or the view from your home. But I have this image of a wood cabin like Grizzly Adams, in the middle of no where, no neighbors in sight. Am I close?

  4. Cute! Bet that was refreshing
    Lily & Edward

  5. I wish Piper enjoyed water as much as your pups do! Even when she was a wild youngster and I introduced her to water very gently, and even when her buddy Wolfgang encouraged her to join in his happy swimming adventures, Piper never liked it when her feet couldn't touch bottom. But she sure does enjoy mudbogging...phew! I gave her a thorough bath yesterday and now I'll have to keep an eye on her when we walk by the wetlands.

  6. We love to see Shyla and R having fun!
    Astro does not like water.
    Happy Crazy Love.

  7. Let the good times roll!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  8. The two of you are having the bestest time☺ Happy Summer!

  9. Two flying leaps, wonderful. And is that snow still on the tops in the background? Down here, another frost!!Fires are lit!! Roll on summertime for us.

  10. Great extension on those water diving leaps!

  11. Summer does seem to fly by...probably more so in your neck of the woods...early snows. Great that you can get out and enjoy it often.

  12. Now that's what summer is all about! :)
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  13. We will enjoy summer ever so much more when we get a break from our record-breaking high temperatures. We're out early in the morning and that's about it. It's still in the 70s and humid even at 9 in the evening. So it's play in early morning and then stay inside. So much for cooler mountain weather. Glad all of you are having a good summer.

  14. OMD, I will be there in two shakes of a squirrel's tail!!!! Um, which bus do I take??? oh hell, I'll just drive the margarita truck...
    Ruby ♥

  15. I bet they absolutely LOVE jumping in the lake!! It is so beautiful where you live!

  16. We are happy summer is going fast as it is not our favorite time of year with the heat and humidity. The lake looks like a lot of fun! We love the water too.


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