Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Wordy Wednesday - An Attempted Vacation

We recently tried to take a trip to the high mountains. It was a comedy of errors. We made it to a great campsite...
Within the first 24 hours after leaving home, I had the good fortune of meeting one of my virtual friends and her dog. I took out a camera to take a photo when I met her but then I left the camera on the roof of her car. Despite lots of effort by her to retrace her route and contact every lost and found in town, it was gone forever.

Then, we drove to the nice spot shown in the first photo. I headed out for a bike ride. When I tried to shift gears, my chain jumped into my spokes, breaking everything in its path. It broke enough spokes to totally destroy the wheel. I wasn't smiling at that point.

So, 24 hours led to a lost (and probably destroyed) camera/lens and a destroyed bike wheel. At least I met my friend and her dog!!!! That was the one bright spot in that day.

The generous Runner owns the same model of bike as I do. He rapidly donated his rear wheel to my bike, and then spent hours helping me fix myriad other problems that had suddenly emerged with my bike. We replaced the chain and the front chainring before we returned the bike to an operational state.

Shyla and I did go out for a ride within that first 24 hours (just before sunset). Yipee!
What was going to be a 10 day trip was shortened by endless bad luck. However, I'll save the rest of the bad luck for another post!


  1. OH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoo... so sorry to read this.. just to much for a vacation trip... I can't imagine how bad you felt and still feel.

  2. How awful for you, KB, but bless the Runner for helping you out! We mentioned you on our blog today.

  3. Oh NO! Mom would be saying HBO words
    Lily & Edward

  4. Oh, NO! That's not the way to start things out! At least you, the Runner, and the pups are OK!!!

  5. Like that old Hee Haw song that says "if it weren't for bad luck I'd have no luck at all . . . " Hopefully you're done with it!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  6. Well poop!
    Glad you all okay.
    xo Astro

  7. How could you smile at the end of a day like that? Devastating loss, just maybe, maybe, they saw it before too much damage happened. So glad you carry fix-it gear with you.

  8. Dang, that was not a good time at all.

  9. Oh dear, sometimes the best plans just don't work!

  10. That is such a shame. But maybe you just need to pack up and try again:)

  11. Some days seem destined to bring us bad fortune. Thank goodness they are few and far between. It's very frustrating but then you realize the damage was to things, and not to the dogs or to you or the runner. Hope there won't be another no-good-bad-day anytime soon.

    1. That is an excellent point! We (people and dogs) are all okay, and things can be replaced eventually. We've enjoyed our unexpected time at home so we're grateful for that.

  12. Oh man! Yes, Ma has quite a few of those days, where she says she really should just sit in one place and not move so nothing else goes wrong! BOL! Butts, it always works itself out, right? Well, except for your poor camera...so sorry. It's not like it's Ma's POS point and shoot. {{hugs}}}
    Ruby ♥

  13. Oh no! The camera!!! Did you have some great pics on it too?? What a total bummer! And such a bummer about the wheel too. At least you had fun meeting up with your virtual friend!

    1. Hi Jackie! The camera wasn't my go-to absolute favorite, so that was a small good part. However, it was the camera that is smaller so I carry it when I ride my bike. I had cleared the memory card for our trip... but it did have picts of me, my friend, and her dog. I'm just glad that I got to meet her, photos or not!

  14. That is such a bummer. Nothing worse than looking forward to something and it turns into disaster. For some reason you were not meant to be there right now.

  15. Ugh, I've had those kinds of trips! Those are the times it seems better to just stay home...LOL.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  16. While costly and aggravating losses, you're safe and that's what matters most. Sorry about the camera and bike. Hopefully things will vastly improve.


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