Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, August 13, 2017

Serene Sunday

 I love starting the day with the Duo snuggled in a sun puddle.

And then, later in the day, I got a lesson in aerial photography. Look at the lake perched on the hillside above a dirt road. It was my first photo from the sky, ever.

And then, sunset from a very high point of view. Do you see the lake nestled at the base of the mountains? The beauty here blows my mind.
Yesterday was a good day in a million ways - many good friends, mountain views, and, of course, our Labraduo.


  1. Hari OM
    Outstanding... Blessings all around. YAM xx

  2. Such beautiful pictures. You must tell us more about your aerial adventure.

    1. I will! I think that it may be a new "thing" for me that I'll keep doing for a while. I obviously have a lot to learn!

  3. What a wonderful experience coupled with beautiful images.

  4. Many, many years ago I went to photography school and aerial photography was something we got the chance to try. It was SO much fun. I won't fly in a big commercial airplane unless I absolutely have to, but I love to get out in a small plane!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  5. I love the photo of them together! Such a sweet, warm image!

  6. Yin and Yang.
    So sweet separately & together.
    I think we can see the top of the world
    from your views, sure is magnificent.
    xo Astro

  7. That photo is absolutely adorable.


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