Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, August 12, 2017

The Crazy Escapades of a Bear Cub

My trail camera captured a fun clip of the cub who you've seen in many of my recent videos.

First the mama bear appeared, running across the field of view in front of a bear marking tree. Then, the cub appeared. The cub was very curious about the marking tree but couldn't reach high enough to smell the top part that the big bears can reach.

So the cub climbed a big aspen behind the marking tree and then jumped onto the flimsy upper branches of the marking tree. After sniffing and marking, the cub fell out of the tree. She was fine but then sprinted over to examine my trail camera very closely. Be sure to have your audio on so that you can hear her activity.

Here's the video, which you can watch here or at Youtube.


  1. *hahahaha* Nosy, nosy, nosy!! Made me laugh! Kids are all the same, I swear... doesn't matter the species. Really enjoyed this video, KB. Thank you for posting it.

  2. I hope your camera is ok, I am actually laughing out loud at the fall from the tree and the eating of the camera. thanks for my morning smiles and laughs

  3. Hari OM
    Hahahaha... what a livewire... that's the kid in the supermarket aisle testing everyone's patience!!! YAM xx

  4. ha, they are a little like famous people... they always attack the cams too when we they caught them while having embarrassing moments ;o)))

  5. Clearly she didn't want the world to see her fall😀

  6. I love "eavesdropping" on wildlife :) Thanks for your videos!!!

  7. Snicker. I ALWAYS attack the nearest camera when I do a belly flop, don't you? 😆

  8. Glad the little one wasn't hurt from its tumble. It's so fun to see all the wildlife you capture on your cameras. Thanks for sharing.

  9. That was quite the plunge! I'm glad the baby was okay.

  10. That is great video. I don't think that cub was too scared of falling.

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  11. Silly bear cub - she is about as wild and rambunctious as silly Misty can get:)

  12. Destroying the evidence? No chance, little bear. This is the internet ;)

  13. What a clown! Thanks for the comparison, he was smaller than I imagined!

  14. My biggest smile in days. What a hoot he is, and so adventurous.Lovely trail cams.

  15. Oh yea, that was fun and sure seem to be enjoying himself!

  16. BOL!! OMD, that was FABulous! I agree with Phenny...tryin' to delete the embarrassing footage! Don't want it makin' it to TMZ!
    Loves that video ~ thanks for the Saturday funny!
    Ruby ♥

  17. That was great. Thanks for the big smile. You should have your own You Tube channel

  18. We think being a cub entitles you to be a bit silly. We chuckled at the tree fall....glad there was no injury.

  19. It sounded like he was eating it for a minute there! LOL. At first I thought "what an agile little guy" - until he fell out of the tree. Fun video!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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