Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Silly Saturday - The Black Dog Edition

Our black dog can be as intense about catching treats as Shyla!

Look at his eye!
Due to my bad toss, he missed!

Happy Silliness on Saturday!


  1. black dog has on his Halloween scary face. LOVE IT

  2. Oops. You'll get the next one, R!

  3. The only time Luke misses is when I make a bad throw too! :) I always love these fun photos!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  4. That's fierce determination! Must be good treats!

  5. Great captures! A downward dog eyeroll.

  6. Get it, R! :D These are fantastic shots!

  7. He gets 5+ stars or treats for intensity! :-)

    PS: I've been keeping up with your blog at work in between patients, and I've not been able to comment. But I wanted to thank-you, KB, for asking about our boy Bo and thinking of him. He's doing really well!! I could not be happier that he's himself, with a good appetite and in good spirits. I'm still doing "nose work" with him, and he's getting much, much better at it! So good, that he's sometimes coming to the table during dinner and "begging" for a bite. It's hard to say no, and I don't because I'm just so happy that he's engaged in life. We're also seeing bigger wags of his tail, and he got up to "say hi" to company the other day. --Yay for Bo!! :-)!!!


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