Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, August 25, 2017

Summer - please don't go!

We are planning to get up high so that we can see more wildflowers before the season ends. This is a favorite of mine... only seen up above treeline.

Ah, and these yellow flowers that all point toward the east!

The rain has helped keep the flowers going. I'm thankful for that!

But the light is starting to change. I can feel it in the mornings and evenings, as the sun slants at a lower angle than at mid-summer.
I love the low angle light but I am not ready for summer to end!


  1. The flowers are gorgeous. Love the rain drops. Did you make it to Wyoming for the eclipse?

  2. Hari OM
    The leaves are already turning here... sigh... YAM xx

  3. Still full summer here! It's been a bad summer for biting bugs so I am ready for a frost! I have a long wait yet :-)

  4. What beautiful flowers! The purple bell with raindrops is so pretty☺

  5. I love Autumn, it's my favorite season, but I'm not ready to say goodbye to Summer either.

  6. Those flowers are gorgeous and so are you sweet Shyla!

  7. Lovely colours, enjoy them while they are still there. We have had light frosts for a week or so now, no rain, and the sun is rising a lot earlier.Roll on to summer, I say, Your farewell is our Hello.

  8. Oh, the light in that last picture ... WOW! Shyla is so beautiful!
    I'm clinging to Summer ; I feel like I missed a lot of my favorite things to do because of constantly being in a cast or a splint or both. I think my pups are ready for cool temps, though!

  9. Those flowers are gorgeous! We've started to feel the change here, too! Nights and early mornings are starting to become chilly. I am looking forward to fall. Somebody get me a pumpkin spice donut! :P

  10. We are thrilled for the cooler weather, not summer fans at all. The flowers are pretty, but the heat and humidity are no fun.

  11. We would welcome cooler fall weather but winter can stay away!
    Hazel & Mabel

  12. We've begun to notice a slight shift in the light and how the air feels in the morning. Still warm days at a mile high but autumn is on the march.

  13. We're not ready for it to end either....we really didn't get enough of it this year, since it's been cool and wet. The flowers have still done well though - but my veggie garden didn't produce like I'd hoped.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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