Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, August 21, 2017

Silly tree marking by bears!

I've shown you lots of examples of bears marking trees. They usually go up on their hind legs and rub their backs on the trees.

This was a young female bear named "Dot" who marked this tree many times. She's using the classic technique of rubbing her back on it in this photo. Sadly, she was killed by a car soon after this photo was taken. I still miss her. I look at the bear fur on the little tree, and I know that some of it is hers.

This summer, one tree has been receiving some very odd marking behavior. Some bears just rub their butt on it. One bear rubbed his forehead on it so hard that I thought that the poor tree was going to break.

You might find this video interesting because it shows the oddball ways that bears have been marking one poor tree.

The forehead marking by that huge male made me laugh. He seems to have simply passed through our area on his way someplace else. I bet that he smelled Milton and Tiny, our resident huge bears, and decided to move on. You can also watch the video on Youtube if you prefer.


  1. Happy Monday.
    Hope you get to see the eclipse today.
    I can't imagine what the bears will be thinking.
    xo Astro

  2. I'm so sorry for Dot... that is so sad ;o( but the tree is a memory now... sigh...

  3. They are too funny. Don't you wish you knew what was happening in those heads.

  4. i am thinking that each bear says so there bear, i am covering your smell with my smell, and on and on. they are so cute and fun to watch. so sorry the one was killed. we have bears killed by cars in the middle of the state and all over the state our poor cougars are dying by car... several this year

  5. Haha, I've never seen a bear twerk before! That poor little tree has taken some abuse from all the various bear visits.

  6. I love the hiney rubbing☺
    Poor Dot. That is just awful.

  7. And today, the 21st, make sure you have those dark glasses if the eclipse is anywhere nearby, Those markings, too funny.

  8. LOL - that sure did make us laugh. The butt marking is just hysterical. And the forehead one makes us think he was multi-tasking, maybe had an itch at the same time as the urge to mark:)

    We are sorry to hear about Dot, we remember her from past videos.

    We hope you managed to get somewhere special to see the eclipse as we remember a comment you had made to another commenter about having a "secret" place in mind. It just passed through here. We got to see about a 98% eclipse, but it was still spectacular.

  9. We hate that about Dot too but the video is cool.

  10. Looks like that tree is a convenient scratching post for whatever itches the bears, as well as scent marking.

  11. I'm so sorry about Dot! That sucks.

  12. Seems they have an itch! BOL!
    Hazel & Mabel

  13. That almost looks like they are using the tree as a scratching post instead of marking it. I had to laugh as at times it looked like the bears were twerking. LOL!

  14. Yuppers, I was just gonna say everythings Millie and Walter said! Twerkin' Bears, itchy hinnies, itchy heads...I likes the twerkin' the bestest though! ☺
    Ruby ♥

  15. Gosh, I guess I never thought about or heard of large animals other than deer being killed by cars, but of course they are - so sad :(

  16. They do have some interesting techniques! :)
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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