Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, August 19, 2017

A Bear Selfie!

I love it when animals interact with my trail cameras, even though it sometimes results in severe damage to the camera!

A black bear passing through our neck of the woods (not a long term resident bear) was examining a bear marking area when he noticed my camera. When watching the video, be sure that your audio is on so that you can hear him breathing and panting.

He seemed to look for food near the camera, and then he noticed the camera. He sniffed it, showed it his teeth, and then gave it a look. We got a closeup of his face and then his eye in the process!

After that, he headed over to the marking tree and left his "I was here" message.

It's just a simple little observation of a black bear living his life - but I love it!

You can watch the short video either here or at Youtube. I've made a pact with myself not to let any fun wildlife videos languish in my archives this year (unlike previous years). I hope that you enjoy them like I do!

I adore our bears. Their quirky personalities make me laugh regularly!


  1. how great is that!!! and how shiny his fur is in the sun light a fabulous black guy!

  2. We have to hold close those who make us laugh... we need them more often than we acknowledge, I believe. LOVE this video, KB, and the sound was wonderful!

  3. What a handsome dude! We love your bears too!

  4. I'm glad he didn't damage the camera so we can see him up close and personal. FUN!!

  5. Wow, what a capture! He sure has a beautiful shiny coat.

  6. What a fun video!! Love his beautiful shiny furs ad those brown eyes!!!

  7. Great footage. That'll be the closest we ever get to a bear!

  8. Thanks for the selfie, Mr. Black Bear - we love seeing you so do come back for more!!!

  9. I always love your wildlife videos and thank you for sharing them with all of us. I'm glad to see this camera survived the bear selfie.

  10. How wonderful to see a bear selfie like that!!!

  11. BOL! OMD, I thinks I smelled his breath! Something between berries and grubs....kinda earthy. ☺
    Ruby ♥

  12. What a pawesome video :) Milo & Jet

  13. What a great looking bear, such a shiny, thick coat. It must be so much fun to check your camera and see what you may have captured. And this was a really great one.

  14. OMD! What great close ups that Bear gave you!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  15. It's so fun to see them "up close and personal" while being safe at the same time! :)


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