Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, August 18, 2017

Summer wildflowers on Friday

Summer in Colorado is the best - flowers and mountains. What else could we want? Dogs!

Most places, the yellow flowers still dominate but a few purples are invading them. This purple and yellow aster is one of our last wildflowers of the summer so I don't want to see too many of them yet.

Despite the fact that they are a sign of impending autumn, I still love them.

Up high, I saw one of my absolute favorite colored Indian Paintbrushes. I adore its brilliance.

As summer wears onward, Shyla and I seek out the patches of remaining flowers for our playgrounds. I adore wildflowers and summer!
Happy Flower Friday!


  1. Such beautiful flowers! We love your happy smile, Shyla☺

  2. I love dogs and flowers and if I had to choose would choose dogs, but together is perfect

  3. Such pretty flowers and perfect for Flower Friday.

  4. Dogs make everything better! :) LOVE those Asters!

  5. The asters are beautiful!!!
    Hazel & Mabel

  6. The asters are so vibrant and pretty. They must really stand out in a field of green.

    Happy weekend.

    Woos - Lightning and Misty

  7. Your wild flowers are so vibrant and beautiful.

  8. Such beauty!! It is wonderful to see Shyla(and you) frolicking through the fields!!

  9. When I took Piper out early this week, I saw many Joe Pye weed and Boneset flowers - to me, those two always signal a turning point from the peak of summer. Which is odd, because so MUCH of summer didn't seem to happen at all, yet! Oh well. It will be a while - I hope - before the asters appear. Those purple asters says "Autumn" to me.

  10. I can feel summer winding down already. :(


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