Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Alpine Black Dog Sunday

We knew that a blast of wintery weather was headed our way so we snuck in a quick visit to a high alpine lake before the snowflakes arrived. We have a long history with this lake. It's way off-trail so we always have it to ourselves. We made a tradition of visiting it to celebrate Angel K's birthday every September. That tradition continues, more than five years since her death.

It was already chilly but our Black Dog and his sister didn't hesitate to play and swim in the water. I love that our Angel K helped shape R when he was a little puppy and that she swam in this lake so many times.

I loved watching R splash through the water with the orange ball gripped in his jaws.

Then he exited the water with long rivulets of water streaming off him.

He managed to shake off the water without dropping the ball.
I hate how short dogs' lives are but the knowledge of that fact makes us seize as many days for joyful play as we can. It gets us out to have fun with the Duo more often than we otherwise would. 

I'm also glad that we had our Friday outing because, out of the blue, my spine hurts so much that I can't stand up straight. I certainly wouldn't be able to hike to that lake now... My fingers are crossed that it passes although that miracle doesn't happen often to me because so much of my spine is surgically fused.

I'm so glad that we saw this glorious autumn scene from high in the Rockies. You can see that a change in the weather was on its way from the sky over the mountains.
Enjoy your Sunday!


  1. Hari OM
    Sending some POTP for the spine... and glorying in the vision of that scenery! YAM xx

  2. I relate to every word of this post, KB!
    Sharing deep gratitude for the animals that have so much to do with our quality of life (and us with theirs), and sending healing thoughts for a lifting of your pain.

  3. glorious is the word, awesome is another, spectacular is my choice. Wow! and I wish I looked this beautiful when wet.. sorry your back is cramping your style. prayers it will get better and allow you to hile

  4. Beautiful. Love the reflection of the trees in the water and the water shots of the dog are great too!

  5. Stunning scenery - and I love the shots of R, especially the first one!

  6. Such beautiful shots! That orange ball is so striking in your mouth, handsome R!

  7. Eyes closed as he shakes off water droplets. Beautiful photos, memories, 5 years, seems just like the other day. Let that spine recover and have you up there again before the really cold days arrive.

  8. How we hope your spine improves. We heard there was snow in Utah today, so we are guessing it is in your area too. Your photos are amazing the way you are able to catch all the water drops.

  9. We hope that spine gets feeling better quickly!! Love the contrast between R and the orange ball!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  10. That is such a gorgeous lake. Glad the dogs are happy to swim. Won't be long until it's too cold.

  11. That is a beautiful lake and to have it alone with R and Shyla is even better.
    Happy Autumn.
    Hope your back improves and at least the pain goes away.
    xo Astro

  12. That lake is gorgeous!! Looks like the dogs love it too.

  13. R sure was having a big old time! Love that beautiful photos!

  14. I too think about our dogs short lives and try to enjoy as much time as possible with them. This is especially true now as I feel Wilson's time running out.

    I hope you get your miracle and your back feels better.

  15. A perfect post at the end of my weekend. I love the photos, and your words are so true about the short lives our pups have and treasuring each day.

    I'm sending lots of good vibes from my corner of VA that you feel better! Take care, KB!

  16. What a wonderful way to celebrate Angel K's birthday.♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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