Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Saturday Swimming in High Mountaiin Lakes!

One of our favorite things about our time high in the mountains is being near lakes where the Labraduo can swim almost every day! They are happiest when swimming. All of our Labs except for one have adored swimming.

In the photo above, R knew that he was beaten by Shyla so he held back. Shyla took a flying leap.

I really love watching their graceful landings into the water. They each reach down with one paw, usually the left, to hit the water with it first, while their rumps stay high in the air. I wonder why this has been uniform among all our Labs? The similarity is surprising.

Then it was R's turn. He loves to take a very high trajectory as he leaps. Seeing him play like this makes us smile so widely, knowing how badly he was impaired by his elbow before his CUE surgery. Now, his elbow doesn't slow him down at all.

He truly flies.

And then he does the "classic" landing.
We have snow in our forecast for Sunday and Monday so we're going to try to get the pups out for a swim before the cold front hits. Then, we have a lot of chores to get our gardens ready for the first frost.

Our swimming outings are a favorite part of autumn for us. I'll be sad when the season is over. I am sure that this weekend's snow will melt, and we'll have more warm weather before the freeze truly sets in. We will enjoy it!


  1. Hari OM
    Actually, I think majority dogs do this dive style - it is probably a protective thing as the lead foot will trigger how the rest lands to minimise risk to tail and claw! It is lovely to watch though - even through photos from a distant place &*> ... and we, too, have at least been threatened with a frost. Sigh... YAM xx

  2. thanks for the smiles... I just love seeing both of them 'levitating' over the water.. so beautiful in the air like that.. we have had 4 dogs, 2 loved the water, 2 could not swim. both the ones that could not swim, had big chests, skinny rear, they sunk when in the water.

  3. Weeeeeeeee - you both look like you're paddling the water with your paws☺

  4. Splash!! So cool to watch dogs who enjoy playing in water.

  5. Loved your action shots of the pups. They are in their element. I see snow in our forecast, too. Today, rain and sun mixed. It's that time of year. My gardens are going to seed, but the Dianthus keeps giving us color.

  6. Nothing better than watching the pups having fun!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  7. So much fun for R and Shyla - it is easy to see how much they love the water AND the dive:)

  8. It is great to see them having so much fun. R's surgery was so successful due to your commitment to his rehabilitation
    Hazel & Mabel

  9. OMD, PAWFECT technique guys! okays, so I don't knows PAWSONALLY, cause I don't gets my furs wet, butts It looks like you both get a 10!
    Frost??! OMD, that sound FABulous! It's been a smudge cooler here, butts it's gonna gets back to the 90's this week. sigh.
    Ruby ♥

  10. It's probably a breed specific thing. I know all of us GBGV's have the exact same form when running, we have the same form for play. Enjoy the swimming.

  11. I love seeing dogs enjoying the water. I need to find a quiet place I can take Luke swimming.


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