Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, September 22, 2017

Autumn's Glory in the Rockies

Back to our world at home for today because I am overwhelmed with the beauty. This is our playground, turning into a kaleidoscope of autumn colors.

It is a glorious sight. I love being able to see that many aspens are still green so we still have lots of autumn ahead of us. I'm looking right past that snow in the forecast in the next few days!

Today was a day to be savored. It was warm enough for a sleeveless top and shorts. The sun felt soft but warm on my shoulders. Shyla was a joy to have along for part of my bike ride. She seemed as happy as I was, taking flying leaps whenever she could.

In a sense, those golden and reddish leaves are our flowers for this time of year. They make us smile and want this season to never end.

Shyla's smile summed it all up.
We will savor every last warm and sunny day that this season will give us.


  1. Hari OM
    Again I draw a deep breath.... aaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh.... YAM xx

  2. It truly is one of the most beautiful times of year.

  3. So beautiful. We are a week or so behind you. And our aspens had a rough time this year so I am curious to see how they handle the fall.

  4. Beautiful. After the snow this weekend, I need to go looking for some aspen groves on my bike. :)

  5. The autumn leaves are every bit as beautiful as any flower! We LOVE autumn♥

  6. Love the beauty of Shyla in the leaves and among the Aspens. Happy Fall to you KB and to the pack.
    Enjoy the beauty.

  7. Fall is my favorite time of year. I love the changing colors with the warm days and cooler nights. Enjoy.

  8. SNOW??? It is 87,hot, hazy, and humid here!!! Beautiful colors everywhere there, we understand why you love it so much. Have a nice weekend.

  9. Leaves against the sky, gorgeous. Way down below, are there homes there amongst the trees? And do you bike to the small lake or what we might call a tarn in the second photo/ Lap up all the golden beauty and warm days, we have sunshine, a misty start earlier on, and all is well with both of us.( well, about 75% ).

    1. Yes, we do visit that body of water. It's actually a reservoir. We can hike or bike to it! Glad that things are well with you. 75% is pretty good ;) Now let's go for 100%!

    2. trying to, we had someone come to look for a second time yesterday!!! Will need to be 100% to think of a sale and move. reservoir, guess it would be very useful when there are fires nearby. R and Shyla leaping, truly graceful, and the landings, wonder why they are the same.

  10. We have some snow in the higher elevations - just rain here but it is making everything green up from our hot summer!
    Hazel & Mabel

  11. Autumn is a wonderful time of year. So glad you can stop and enjoy it!

  12. These photos are amazing! I cannot believe today is the first day of fall, summer seemed to fly by!

  13. We are looking forward to cold and snow, real winter lovers here. The heat is not really our thing.

  14. Oh KB, you truly have the best and most amazing views of the change of seasons - I don't think there is a better way or place to see Mother Nature's show!


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