Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Black Dog Sunday

Our Black Dog looks particularly handsome in purple flowers, in my opinion!

And, his trademark "cracker dog" side comes out when he sprints through the flowers on a recall!

He will turn ten this fall but we humans think that he's physically stronger than he's been in years, primarily thanks to his elbow surgery and all the strength exercises we do with him every day.

I love the colors of the meadow behind our house right now! I know how fervently I'll be wishing for more colors in a few months so I'm trying to soak them up while they're here. R loves running through the wildflowers!

We love our black dog!
For those who are wondering, R hasn't started to mellow even a little bit yet - he's as intense as when he was one year old. We suspect that he may be wild and crazy forever. What a fun dog he is!

Happy Black Dog Sunday!

PS I apologize that I accidentally posted this on a too early date and then took it down!


  1. Hari OM
    No doubt about it - R is handsome is as handsome does! YAM xx

  2. You are one handsome boy, R - and you look gorgeous among the beautiful purple and yellow blooms!

  3. R sure is a happy dog and he looks wonderful running through the flowers.

  4. Handsome boy is pawfect for a handsome flower meadow.

  5. Those flowers are the perfect backdrop for R's handsomeness! Our golden retriever Sheba never grew up either - it was one of my favorite things about her; her eternal puppiness!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  6. Enjoy the wild flowers, the sunshine, and every day up high. He is such a cool dude!!!

  7. R looks great amidst all the pretty flowers. He makes them look even nicer. His youthfulness and energy is all due to the great care he gets from YOU!!

  8. He looks so happy...and that's what counts!

  9. We love his craziness.
    So handsome in the first photo too.
    xo Astro

  10. Black dogs and purple flowers are a great combinaiton

  11. Such a handsome guy...those eyes get me every time!

  12. R thinks that growing up thing is overrated. He's right. He still looks quite young. And clearly acts young as well.

  13. Jimmy says....Black dogs rock!!!


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