Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, September 4, 2017

A Bear Digs Up an Ant Hill

In early August every year, the black bears start digging up ant hills. Everyday, we see the huge craters in the anthills where the bears have made the sand fly with their huge paws.

This year, I staked out one of the biggest ant hills with a trail camera. A bear visited multiple times to dig it up. Bears eat the little white pupae (like eggs) of the ants. It is so hard to believe that they get enough calories from those pupae to fatten up for the winter!

Watch the sand fly and listen to the sounds of him digging. Enjoy the video either here or at Youtube.


  1. Thanks for all your trail cam footage...things we would seldom, if ever, see if not for you!
    Box Canyon Mark

  2. I agree with Mark, you show me things I have never seen and never wood. I had no idea bears do this. seems to me like the second one was snorting them up like drugs, ha ha and sitting on the mound might lead to stings on the butt.

  3. The fire ants we have here sure wouldn't take kindly to that at all!

  4. Great source of protein for the bears. Cool video.

  5. Wow! I never would have thought bears would do that! Thanks for sharing your video!

  6. That must be a very gritty meal!

  7. Serious work, I wonder how they sift out all the dirt and grit.

  8. Thanks for another unique look into the lives of the bears in your neck of the woods. I love watching all your trail cam footage and appreciate how much work it must be to set them up and then go through all the images/videos that you get.

  9. They must be very tasty. All that work for something so small.

  10. Those ant hills look more like mountains compared to the little ones here:) We are very grateful for you and your trail cameras. We learn so much from you, like how ants are a big part of a bear's diet.

  11. What cool footage! Love watching the tongue action by the second bear!

  12. Oh, that is so cool! I didn't knows they did that! Ma is glad she didn't see tons of ants, cause they give her the willies....☺
    I hopes you guys had a most FABulous Labor Day, and enjoyed the beauty of your Mountain
    Ruby ♥

  13. After reading the title of the post we were thinking, why do bears bother with tiny ants, so your post was pretty funny after that. I guess it is like horses and cows who only eat grass and are so big.

  14. I had no idea they did that, but they sure seem to enjoy it!
    Jan, Wag n Woof Pets


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