Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Our Black Dog

I love our black dog.
He may be crazy with enthusiasm for life but the softness in his eyes always shines through.


  1. When you take Shyla out on runs, does your boy make you feel guilty for leaving him behind? I try to do things individually with the collies, but one always makes me feel bad that she wasn't picked.

  2. He has an irroestiable smile and eyes that say joy!

  3. We love your beautiful soft brown eyes, R!

  4. he is so beautiful and love those ears a floppin and the teeth a grinnin

  5. Look at those sweet velvet ears!!!!

  6. He's a combination of all the best qualities. ♥
    Jan, Wag n Woof Pets

  7. Both of our Standard Poodles were black, as was our first cat. I love their shiny black coats... and how, in a darkened room, you can sometimes see nothing but their shiny white smile. xoxo

  8. Such a handsome boy!
    Hazel & Mabel

  9. You have to believe that his loving active life helped Shyla with her fears as well. Especially when you see the two of them share a bed you just know he makes Shyla feel safer. What a handsome boy.

  10. Mom used to have a black dog and a black cat. Both were beautiful. We love black dogs! Look at all that energy in the photo.


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