Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Classic Summer Days in Wyoming

We enjoyed exploring a little of Wyoming near Lander and Dubois before the solar eclipse. On one night, we camped in a small meadow in the midst of a canyon and some mountains. We had a lake to our east that appeared to be close to falling into the canyon.

And we had two lakes to our west.

You can probably guess what we did the next day.

Shyla has become our pack leader when we're around water. The transition started to happen at the end of last fall, and, this summer, R began to completely defer to her when they retrieved in water. It's a bittersweet transition. While we love seeing Shyla be assertive about something given her fearfulness, we also know that R is creeping toward ten years old so he's probably a step slower than Shyla now. Believe me, this is the only way in which he's shown his age!

He still loves to play in the water but we bring two balls so that he can retrieve one when Shyla is occupied with the other one. His reconstructed elbow is still working perfectly. We didn't see a single sign of lameness all summer!

They happily chase each other around when one is hogging the ball.

That day in Wyoming was such a classic summer day. We went straight from the water to an ice cream shop and then onward to a new campsite.
I'm already wistful for summer and our days of wandering the west. 

Since we arrived home, it's been so smoky from faraway fires that the beauty is obscured. I know that others, in many parts of the country, are suffering terrible hardship right now, so living with smoky air is a small thing. I wish my friends who are enduring hurricanes, flooding, and wildfires the very best.


  1. Hari OM
    Weather the world over has gone truly mad this year... and even when not in direct line, we still get the 'knock-on effects', be it smoke or endless rain. Days such as this one are what create such incredible memories. Thank you for sharing it with us. YAM xx

  2. thank you for the smiles, I needed them today. I smiled all the way through every photo and the next to the last one of the ball chase made me laugh. so sweet

  3. You and R look so happy playing in the water, Shyla☺

  4. Now that is some good action! Our sky started clearing yesterday but driving from the PNW we were in smoke the whole way!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  5. Looks like all have a fun time in Wyoming. I am hoping the smoke dissipates soon. Loved seeing the Momma Bear and Cub in the water. Are you seeing any color changes yet?
    Have a great weekend.

    1. Yes, we are seeing the leaves start to change. It's been so smoky that it's seemed muted. I bet that the colors will be strong by next weekend.

  6. What fun! Shyla and R look fantastic in the water!

  7. Well....we're happy that the smoke is from FARAWAY fires. The dogs looks so happy!

  8. It's so nice to see beauty and joy when there is so much bad stuff going on elsewhere. It gives hope.
    Your story reminds me of when we took our golden Sheba swimming with Luke. Luke was scared at first, but Sheba showed him the way. Eventually he got comfortable and showed her up a bit. She was around 11 then, so it was tough to see her slowing down a bit, and Luke out-swimming her. For her last summer, I made sure she got to go swimming alone so she could still be the queen (and she really did stay a strong swimmer during her last summer). :)
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  9. Look at those water dogs having such a grand time!!!

  10. Awe. What wonderfully carefree lives our dogs lead. No worries about tomorrow. Just swim and play, then off for ice cream and collapse at camp. Since we are so powerless, we need to do the same. But I'll pass on that ice cold water, thanks.

  11. OMD, that is so beautifuls! You guys looks so happy splashin' in the lake! It is so good to see you guys healthy and happy and carefree!
    Ruby ♥

  12. What fun they were having. Looks like a really great time.

  13. We continue to keep those facing Nature's fury in our thoughts and prayers and hope they stay safe.


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