Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, September 8, 2017

Flower Friday - The Wyoming Edition

We drove to Wyoming to see the total solar eclipse. We'd seen an annular eclipse before, and we really wanted to see what totality was like. However, we knew that a huge crowd of people planned to visit the center of the totality swath so we arrived early to find a relatively quiet place to watch the eclipse. We succeeded. This was sunset one evening from near our site.

We were camped along the stream that is wiggling toward the camera in the next photo.

After we found our spot, we had days to explore before the eclipse. I was a bit disappointed by the huge impact of cattle grazing on the land around us. It made me sad to see it. However, I found that riding uphill toward the Continental Divide got me out of the cattle region.

However, I also rode into the wildfire recovery area when I got above the cattle.

In that region, there were wildflowers, unlike in the muddy stomping grounds of the cattle.

I took some unconventional photos of the flowers, using a fisheye lens. It was fun.

Their flowers were beautiful!

I kept stopping to smell them and photograph them!
I felt lucky that we were getting to explore a whole new area in our eclipse trip! We will be back to Wyoming - no doubt. I think that it will be even better without the eclipse frenzy.

Happy Flower Friday!


  1. Hari OM
    I always think of Richard Widmark when thinking of Wyoming for some reason - too many Westerns when I was young!!! Those unusual shots are sheer delight. YAM xx

  2. As always, wonderful photos. Neat to see new scenery!

  3. The flowers are gorgeous but the poor trees :-(

  4. the flowers are amazing photos and I love the squiggly stream. the second photo is my favorite

  5. So lovely! I see pictures on our walks through the neighborhood, but always forget to take pictures of them!

  6. Those flowers are so pretty and I'm glad you had a great time!

  7. Such beautifully rich, saturated colors!

  8. I'm sad we have passed each other. Again. We went to Utah for my sons wedding the week before the eclipse, and couldn't get back north. Now we are in Jackson again though. I like the photos with the fisheye lens, very unique. I hope you got photos of what I wanted to shoot during the eclipse, because I haven't seen any.

  9. What gorgeous flowers you found and what a wonderful area to watch the eclipse!

  10. Glad you found a good spot to view the eclipse
    Hazel & Mabel

  11. It's tough to see the impact of the cattle and of the wildfires, but the beautiful wildflowers make up for it I think. Nature perseveres. ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  12. Like that fisheye view Will have to try that out on flowers around my 'neck of the woods.'


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