Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Thankful for the sun and the moon and the stars

We've just returned from one of our best adventures through the west, ever!

... for the sun. Our adventure started with this.

I do promise that there will be more footage of that particular event, seen from the totality zone in Wyoming in the quiet of the wilderness. It was one of the most wildly astounding events that I've ever witnessed. Time stood still for just an instant while our pack stood in awe.

... and the moon. When we arrived home, a red orb rose above the hills to our east. It was the full moon through a smoky haze.

...and the stars. Oh my - from the wilds of Wyoming where wolves and grizzlies roam, the sky was dark as ink during the new moon, letting us see the Milky Way in all her glory.
My Gratitude is boundless for the gift of nature's beauty shared with the pack who I love.


  1. these are awe inspiring pics, even the dogs in glasses are inspiring and funny to... I have been wathinc storms and fires and am wondering about you. I hope all that fire is no where close to you and yours

    1. We have no nearby fires, yet. This is a historically bad time of year for us so we collectively hold our breath until we get rain again. The smoke is horrendous but I'm not complaining knowing what a tough time so many people in our country are having.

  2. I'm so glad you had a great time. I love Wyoming, and all the beauty and wildness that is here.

  3. The moon rising and sun setting every day this week have provided quite the color show. Looking forward tumor eclipse pics.

  4. What awesome photos and you and R look great in your eclipse glasses, Shyla!

  5. Love those shades and the night sky is just magical. Welcome back!

  6. That has to be the absolute best way to see the eclipse. So glad you got to enjoy, but glad you're back too! Can't wait to see the highlights.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  7. Wow! bet your view was fantastic!!!
    Hazel & Mabel

  8. Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  9. Always thankful for the sunshine! Happy to meet you and your labs!


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