Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Summer Days High in the Mountains

During our August trip, we arrived back in Colorado after a long haul from Wyoming. We finally made it to one of our favorite campsites in the world. As we pulled in, a double rainbow emerged in the sky. Wow!

We awakened the next morning energized to enjoy the trails in this amazing place. The Runner took both pups for a run, and I took a long bike ride to a flowery trail. It was very late for wildflowers but some waited for me!

It's a flowy trail that can be ridden fast. However, I love the flower and mountain views so much that I tend to stop a lot to soak them up.

Even Blue Flax were still blooming next to the trail.
I love riding in that area but it's hard. Our campsite is tucked in a quiet spot at over 11,000', and it's by far the best one that we've found in the area. However, my favorite rides end with 3,000' of climbing to return to our campsite. I am ready to rest when I arrive back at camp.

But, our campsite is surrounded by lakes so the dogs must dive and swim! I didn't do enough resting because we played so much. I'm not complaining although I think that I'm paying the price now.

They would play in the water all day if we let them.

That first day in camp was capped off by another rainbow sunset.

And we had a clear view of the Milky Way over our LabMobile!
During those summer days high in the mountains, we fully realize how lucky we are to have found a life that suits us so perfectly.


  1. that is so beautiful... and I would love it to be out and far away from houses and people and traffic...

  2. they are just like children, kids will play in water until lips are blue and say they are not cold. I love the pics of them flying through the air. the scenery is stunning. I am back after a hurricane week off. missed your beautiful posts

  3. The rainbows are just magnificent!

  4. So beautiful! We are headed to redrock in a few weeks.

    Yo-ho-ho! Yer Pirate Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  5. I know there are hardships living in a remote area like you do but I appreciate how you always share the beauty of the area with us.

  6. Have never seen a rainbow sunset. Gosh, that was spectacular!

  7. never seen a double rainbow. Such a beautiful area. We think you need to slow down and take it all in, too.

  8. Those two rainbow shots are amazing!!! It must be so relaxing to ride out there with just you, the trail and the pretty flowers:)

  9. Gorgeous! Sometimes vacations and getaways can be so exhausting, because you just want to do it all while you can!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  10. Always such wonderful photos - just amazing!
    Hazel & Mabel

  11. It looks almost like a magical spot with so many wonderful things happening!


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