Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Wordless Wednesday - Autumn in our World

View from Hug Hill as unsettled weather arrived

Running through a golden aspen grove

Playing games in the autumn splendor


  1. What beautiful photos!! I just love the colors in these pics!! Happy Wednesday!

  2. that sky is superb! and so is the golden dog in the golden field with the golden biscuit on her nose.

  3. Our very favorite season! Have fun romping through the leaves, Shyla!

  4. Those fall colors are just perfect as a backdrop for gorgeous Shyla!!! The pups here will welcome the cooler temps of fall - still pretty muggy and warm here.

  5. It's been cold, snowy off and on, and the leaves are changing so fast. I love Wyoming this time of year. Your aspens are beautiful.

  6. We're planning on going up first of the week to see the golden aspens ourselves. Yours are gorgeous!

  7. And catching treats in that magic scenery....what could be more fun.

  8. Autumn has its very own beauty, as leaves change colour, and clouds roll in with the colder air. Beautiful.

  9. You are getting some pretty yellows there! We are just starting to see some changes now. But we're getting summer weather at this time....now I'm ready for fall!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  10. Such a beautiful place and a most beautiful Shyla!


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