Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

A sunrise worth waking up for!

We recently had another incredible, almost unbelievable, sunrise. I've never had a clear view of sunrises until I got my drone. Now, if I see a glow shining through the trees from the eastern horizon, I put my drone into the air to get a view of it.

Recently, the wind has lulled at sunrise only to erupt into wild gusts shortly thereafter. Consequently, the views are not from very high - the drone is just above the trees on our land. From that elevation, I can bring the drone down fast when the wind gets wild.

This view was almost directly east - which was not the most spectacular view on this morning - but it was still pretty nice!

To the west, we could see the Divide with snowy mountains and a magenta cloud above them. That cloud turned the snowy mountains purple too!

A bit further to the south was where the best part of the sunrise was. Whenever a cloud is shaped like this, I know that there are some strong winds aloft.

A tiny bit further to the south, I could see the base of the long thin cloud in the last photo plus some other gorgeous clouds.

Despite my fear of the wind suddenly blowing down at our trees' elevation, I did a 360° spin with the drone. I'm not sure why the colors are even more intense in video form. I need to figure that out! For now, I'm not complaining! I actually desaturated the colors a bit in this video.

You can watch the video here or at Youtube!
Thanks for watching!


  1. These pictures are breathtaking, KB! How can our earth be so beautiful! I bought our oldest daughter (35) a drone for Christmas. I know her & her daughters (9 & 6) will have fun with it. I'll direct her to your blog, after she opens it, to give her inspiration. :) xoxo

    1. Andrea - I'd advise that she find a friend or neighbor who has some drone experience. It's very easy to learn on your own but it's very scary at first without an experienced person nearby. My "experienced pilot" gave me the courage (after one session) to fly my drone fairly often and even to try some tricky shoots.

  2. Hari Om
    Doesn't need words, really... does it?! As to the colour; could it be switched onto HDR mode? it will be an exposure thing - but hey? Are we complaining?!! &*> YAM xx

    1. It doesn't seem to have an HDR mode. We had another spectacular sunrise this morning, and I'm going to spend some time with the images and settings that were used to try to figure out why the video colors look different from the photo colors. You're right though - no complaints from me. -- I've never consistently seen any sunrises at our house until now due to the forest - perhaps they've always looked like this. I wish I'd had a drone a long time ago.

  3. I didn't know you also had a drone. Very cool. The footage is amazing, almost can't imagine those colors are real.

    1. I can't either but that's what my drone recorded. I've never seen our sunrises because of the trees to the east of our land. Now I know what I was missing! We had another spectacular one this morning!

  4. Wow! Stunning.

    And isn't it fun to see how much we improve in our weather forecasting once we start watching carefully?

    1. You are the one who would really know! I bet that you're an expert by now!!!!

  5. WOW! The colors are absolutely incredible!

  6. Such colors. You're making me want a drone more than I already do. What brand did you get?

  7. What a gorgeous video!! I am really enjoying your drone footage!

  8. I love the colors in the video, and how that one cloud is floating up off the mountains. when the sun is coming up, I can't see it for our trees, I can see through the trees but need the drone to really see it

  9. How high have you had your drone? Hugh so enjoys his, and I know how you must feel seeing that sunrise., So spectacular, those clouds with glorious colours.

    1. I could be arrested if I told you how high I had my drone before I knew the rules (fortunately, I was out in the middle of nowhere - where there was no air traffic). Now, I stay below the maximum legal 400' elevation. The confusing part is that I can easily climb a hill to 600' above our house. Then, I can take the drone up 400' from there... so a little climbing makes my maximum legal altitude much higher! The small planes are supposed to remain at least 500' above the ground that they are traversing so that keeps the drones lower than than the small planes or helicopters (in theory - I think the planes may sometimes fly lower than they're supposed to).

  10. The sunrises and sunsets have been spectacular lately. Seeing them from a drone's eye is pretty cool!

  11. WOW!!! WOW!!! WOW!!! Now who wouldn't get in the mood to get up and moving with sunrises like that!!!

  12. Seeing that video makes me want to put a drone on my Christmas list. I doubt our sunrises or sunsets are anything like yours though.

  13. We think 'pretty nice' is an understatement. It's just beautiful in all directions.

  14. Hi KB, we certainly have gorgeous skies here in Colorado. For some reason, hearing you have a drone surprised me-though I can understand why. Love your pics. Hope you have a fabulous day; I had sunset pics today-guess we think alike.

    1. It surprised me too! My nephews convinced me, and after I started looking into it, I discovered that a bunch of photographers have them. I hope to always be one of the very responsible ones who never bothers other people with it. I take it up high for photos and videos, and then I bring it straight back down. I've had it since the summer, and my neighbors have no idea that I have it!

  15. Wow, so beautiful!!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  16. I love that you never get used to or take for granted the beauty around you and that you share it.

  17. simply amazing!

    Pee es
    visit the AKC website and search for AKC Trick Dog Program. You can print out the lists of eligible tricks for each level. A certified Canine Good Citizen evaluator can sign off on your tricks. I am sure that Shyla knows a lot of the tricks already

  18. These photos are more than beautiful KB. They are breathtaking.! You are an amazing photographer that catches very special moments!


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