Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

A Birthday Girl!

Yesterday, Shyla turned six years old! She and I celebrated in our favorite way with a sunrise mountain bike ride!

Here's our selfie in the light of the rising sun.

I loved seeing my girl glowing in the rising sun.

And I loved seeing her shadow chasing her!

Here she was at sunrise on her first birthday. We don't have any puppy photos of her because we didn't know her until she was 9 months old.
Shyla has taught me more than any other dog because she needs me more than any other dog we've had in our family to help her through the scary parts of life. I'm honored that she trusts me. And I'm overjoyed to have such a perfect trail companion and best friend.

She loves to sleep with her head on my shoulder. What a precious bond we have.


  1. Happy Belated Birthday Shyla!!

    xo Astro

  2. Shyla!!! Happy Happy Happy Happy 6th Birthday sweet beautiful girl. OMCs you are for sure all a glow you are your very own Bday candle. WE love the photo of you and your sweet mom in the light of the rising sun. OMCs mom is so jealous...over your last sentence. You see I Madi(son) D. Cat am not a lap cat...nope. Every so often I'll sit on the arm of the chair or couch and put my front legs in mom's lap but it only last about 2 shakes of a cat's tail. How sweet you sleep with your head on Mom's shoulder.
    Hugs madi your bfff

  3. I love your shadow selfies. great idea.. looks like you are kissing. happy birthday sweet Shyla. We did not know Jake until he was 4 months old. when you have time, check out his story here, abused, starving and parvo, we got him from the street in 2005


  4. Hari OM
    Wooohooo... six is a great age Shyla gal!!! Happy Barkday darlin'. hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  5. Happy 6th Birthday!!!! I can't believe she is 6 already!

  6. Happy Birthday Beautiful Shyla!!

    I think that first photo(selfie) would make a gorgeous painting!!

  7. Wow, six years! Happy Birthday, Shyla.

    Seems like it's hard to tell who has made out better in this relationship--you or Shyla. And that's just the way it should be.

  8. Happy birthday, sweet girl! You are truly a lucky dog!

  9. Happy 6th Birthday, Shyla! You are such a gorgeous girl♥

  10. Happy Birthday from all of us beautiful Shyla!

  11. Shadows, selfies, and sending HUGE hugs and birthday wishes. Have a wonderful day together.

  12. OMD, six already?! Happy happy barkday to you, Daughter of the Mountains!

  13. Six years old! Happy Birthday! We think celebrating with an activity you love is better than treats....almost better....we like treats.

  14. Happy birfday Shyla! Me and Stanley will be 6 on our next birfday too!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  15. *♪ღ♪Happy★{belated}★Birthday, sweet Shyla! ♪ღ♪* Hope your day was grand. The weather sure was!

  16. Happy Birthday, Shyla! What a special girl you are. ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  17. Happy Birthday to your wonderful and very special Shyla!!
    Hazel & Mabel

  18. So glad you two found each other and are able to work through and together on issues you each have. Happy Birthday Shyla!

    They make us stronger, don't they? :)

  19. Happy birthday, beautiful Shyla!! Rita and Shyla have a lot in common - Rita also turned 6 this year, and we don’t have puppy pics of her either because we got her when she was 7 months old, and she has many fears. AND they both have come a long way!

    You guys are so lucky to have each other!

  20. Happiest of Birthday Shyla! You glow more & more with age. Beautiful!! xoxo

  21. Happy Birthday Shyla! We loved your shadow pictures. You are so lucky to have found the perfect family for you.

  22. Happy Birthday to our sweet, sweet girl Shyla!

  23. Belated Happy Birthday to Shyla! I can't quite believe it's been 5 years already, KB.


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