Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, November 27, 2017

Another Brawny Mountain Lion on Patrol

In the past, mountain lions have tended to all arrive at once, around the time when the elk herd arrives to spend the winter here. Yet, I am still surprised, every single year, when we suddenly seem to have a population explosion of mountain lions.

This guy was big and brawny like the last one. Usually, one big male rules a territory, which makes me think that this might be the same lion. Perhaps he is spending an extended time in our neck of the woods because the sprawling 150-head elk herd is here.

He also marked in exactly the same spot as the last lion. Here he is in mid-marking.

This guy checked out something up the tree. I know that lions are good climbers but I've never seen one climb. Too back that this guy did only an exploratory upward movement on the tree.

After circling the clearing for a short time, he paused to gaze into the distance before departing. He's a magnificent cat!

I made a video of his visit to the clearing which you can watch here or at Youtube.


  1. Suddenly our coyote problem seems a lot smaller...

    1. Funny how your perspective can be changed! Do you have a blog? I thought that you did but I can't find it now.

  2. Hari OM
    Gosh you live in a wonderfurs place!!! YAM xx

  3. what a wonderful animal... I hope there will be always with us ...

  4. Wow, he is a nice healthy looking guy. So awesome.

  5. He is beautiful. and no collar. I love it....

  6. Yup, he is big and healthy!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  7. Magnificent is the only word that comes to mind. He's just absolutely beautiful and such a fine specimen and in the still shot I love the way his eyes are glowing

  8. He is a handsome fellow--and big. Wouldn't like to meet him on a dark night!

  9. That is some amazing kitty! I'm okay with him being the boss!

  10. Wow, he really looks big! Glad you're taking those photos remotely.

    We're hoping to take a route south where bear have been spotted swimming across the canal. I'll have to keep my camera close.

    BTW, thank you for the photography tips in your comments. I think I have to be patient enough to wait for that eye-catching focal point to come into view. And photography is nothing if it doesn't involve patience.

  11. I learn more about wild life from you than for anyone else

  12. He is so gorgeous!!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  13. a very handsome and healthy looking fellow
    Hazel & Mabel

  14. He sure looks BIG and powerful and strong!!!

  15. It's just amazing what that cam captures. A person we meet walking around here has a camera outside his place here in the suburbs and caught a bit coyote on it not long ago.


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