Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Black Dog Sunday!

Our Black Dog has a big week ahead of him, after seemingly finally recovering from his strained hind leg muscles (iliopsoas) by resting for a couple of weeks.

He's now back to running, and that makes him a super happy dog!

One day recently, I had him to myself for a bike ride so I had the chance to take some photos of him running on Hug Hill! I love his crazy ears.
Later this week, unfortunately, he has to have dental surgery. He has a crack in a molar, and the vet needs to see it under anaesthesia and then decide whether to extract it. At the same time, he's having an abdominal ultrasound to rule out cancer. He had some odd bloodwork values that made our vet want to take a look inside him. He is 10 years old, after all, so we thought the tests were a good idea.

Last night was our big turkey dinner with the family at our house, and after we waved goodbye to them....

We all collapsed into sleepy heaps.

The Duo were certainly the cutest sleepy ones in the house, although Shyla has trouble keeping her eyes closed when she hears the shutter click. That's no problem for her big brother!
Happy Black Dog Sunday. Let's hope that all the Black Dogs out there have a great week, including R!


  1. Oh my gosh, those ears! They are about as expressive as his eyes! I hope the surgery goes well and recovery is easy. Ruby will need to have a dental early in 2018.

  2. He is awesome. I love those ears, and the joy on that face.

  3. Hari OM
    Oh yukky poohs, R, hope that toothies-work is straightforward and the tests are negative. Sending Love and hugs, YAM-aunty xxx

  4. We'll all be purring for all to be just fine R, we love seeing you romp so happily!!!

  5. As our pups get into double digits we start dealing with all kinds of body things. Hope the dental appointment and ultrasound go well and everyone can get back to running around.

  6. We are sending handsome R lots and lots of positive vibes!

  7. I hope all the black dogs get adopted, they run specials on black dogs at our county animal control. they do half price sales because it seems people don't want black dogs. that fact amazes me. I love black dogs.

  8. hope the test go well and nothing is wrong...

  9. Those are the happiest ears...we just love how they take on a life of their own.
    Please give his beautiful shiny face a kitty kiss and his neck a mom hug as this week of events began
    Hugs madi and mom

  10. R, I hope you have a wonderful week,, and lots of happiness as you run and do what you want to do! And I also send lots of good thoughts for you when you go get your toofie checked out,, and the ultrasound... You are super dog and we want to to be super dooper forever!

  11. Happy weekend. We're still in food coma mode on leftovers. Isn't eating pumpkin pie for breakfast normal? ☺️

  12. So happy R is back to running. It is difficult to keep them quiet and resting. Love Shyla using her brother's paw as a pillow.

  13. We're glad to hear that R is feeling better with his leg and our paws are crossed for good results from the procedures this week. Happy Thanksgiving to all of you.

  14. We hope everything goes well with your tests R!!!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  15. Faith Says: Thank you very much for your good Black dog wishes. Don't tell anyone, but I think I'm falling for big R. The snooze pictures did it!

  16. Good luck with your ultrasound, R, and I hope the dental work goes well. Piper had dental surgery a while back and she has been eating canned food 99% of the time ever since. The vet said there was no reason why, a few days after the surgery, she couldn't go back to one meal dry and one meal canned every day. But Piper convinced me otherwise, Also, I am a sap.

  17. Ears down, then ears Up!!! He looks so happy, will send lots of love to R for the week ahead.

  18. Such wonderful photos! All fingers and paws crossed at this end for the gorgeous R. My Tommy is also 10 years od, and he becomes more precious with every passing year.

  19. Love the ears! Good to see R running. And love the sleepy pics. Looks like you had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  20. We hope all goes well with R's dental surgery and his tests as well! He looks like such a happy and content guy. ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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