Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Happy Thanksgiving

Earlier this week, we saw the sky light up as we were out on our afternoon walk. It's been a while since we've had sensational sunset skies so we hurried up high to see them.

My trusty silhouette model clambered up a boulder for me to combine two of my favorite things in the world in one photo - one of my dogs and nature's beauty.

I kept snapping away because such intense colors are so rare.
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you! It's good to have a day when we slow down and think about the things for which we are thankful.


  1. on the top of the list of my many things I am thankful for is my sight. my precious eyes that allow me to see all the beauty in this World. and you always add to that beauty, in every single post

  2. Wishing you a wonderful Thanksgiving. Thank you for sharing your world with us.

  3. Hari OM
    Blessed day to you all up there near the sky!!! Hugs and wags and a few more hugs, YAM-aunty xxx

  4. Happy Thanksgiving to you and to the Runner and to Shyla and R, KB♥

  5. There is no end to nature's beauty or Shyla.

    Have a Happy Thanksgiving.

  6. Happy Turkey to all you guys. Have a wonderful day. Such beautiful skies!

  7. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, KB. It's going to be a quiet one at home for me, but if it warms up a little I'll coax Piper out for a little ramble by the pond :)

  8. Happy Thanksgiving from all of us, we love you all!

  9. Happy Thanksgiving. Outstanding pictures and silhouette

  10. Happy Thanksgiving from our family to yours!!

    We are so very grateful for your friendship - it is treasured by all of us.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber and Mom

  11. Happy Thanksgiving to you. As usual, those are lovely photos. Such beauty where you are.

  12. The colors in the photos are so great for Thanksgiving. Hope you are having a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  13. We are grateful for all our friends in Blogville, especially those with such incredible photos of sunsets. Happy Thanksgiving.

  14. No great celebrations down here, but my list of thankfulness is long and widespread. Family, friends, close and so very far away, photos showing me beauty in another country. Enjoy your day .

  15. Oh my stars we two Southern gals are speechless,(that rarely happens) over the sunset
    and your silhouette model truly breathtaking
    Happy Thanksgiving
    Hugs madi and Mom

  16. We are so thankful for your friendship and your wonderful photos!!!
    Happy Thanksgiving
    Hazel & Mabel

  17. We hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We are so thankful you share your beautiful corner of the world(and your beautiful models) with us!

  18. That beauty is truly something to be thankful for. We hope you had a wonderful holiday!


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