Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Almost Wordless Wednesday

A recent sunrise left me awe-struck. I popped my drone up just above the trees, and I saw that the incredible colors from the eastern sky had actually colored the entire horizon, all 360°, in gorgeous pink and orange.

This was the first view, looking to the east.

Then, I had my drone slowly spin 360° counterclockwise. It started facing southeast. Be sure to keep your attention for when it faced the snowy mountains to the west. Even the sky over the mountains to our west was a gorgeous color!

You can watch the short video either here or at Youtube. This was straight from the drone's camera with no enhancing by me!

I was very lucky. Just as I finished making the rotation with the drone, a very strong wind kicked up (and then stuck around all day). My drone was blown out of my view by the wind. Fortunately, I was able to use GPS and full throttle to guide it back to land at my feet. Phew! I'm learning how to be a decent pilot, slowly but surely.

Thanks for checking in!


  1. I'm awestruck! How beautiful and inspiring and uplifting! Thank you for sharing and helping me start the day with a positive outlook!

  2. awestruck is a great word for this as is Breathe Taking. WOW! also Awesome is a great word.

  3. That's one whopper of a sunrise! Pat yourself on the back, as everyone who was still in bed or up with eyes glued on a cell phone missed it. What a start to a morning!

    Hoping R is recuperating well from his strain and gets to run again soon. Best wishes for boring ultrasound results.

  4. oooh - how beautiful -

    thanks for sharing!

    --Jean Marie

  5. Amazing video, so smooth. Do you have a "safe return to home" app on your drone? Hugh almost lost his is a small but fast flowing stream when it went out of control, and he finally landed it in a huge shrub.those colours show us how wonderful nature is, and thanks to you we get to see the whole circle.

    1. There is a "return to home" protocol but I've read that people do lose their drones anyway if they get outside the range of the controller or lose GPS abilities. In the case that happened with this video, "return to home" might not have worked if the drone simply didn't have the power to overcome the wind. It looked like that might be the case when I first started throttling it toward home but then the wind briefly died and it zoomed home. I guess that I would've pointed the camera straight down and found a good landing spot where it was if the wind was too much for it. I'm glad that I didn't have to do that!

  6. Way to go keeping the drone corralled! This week had more than one impressive sunrise. Thanks for sharing your view!

  7. Wow, that's so beautiful it's almost scary.

  8. Incredibly beautiful.
    You really play with all sorts of cameras!

    1. My nephews were the ones who convinced me to try a drone. I learn so much from them!

  9. Those colors are simply amazing!!!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  10. In my wildest dreams I cannot imagine that skyfull of color! Thank you for sharing such beauty with us all, KB. Cheers, Jo

  11. Wow, amazing sky!!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  12. Such a beautiful sky. Thanks for sharing and learning how to use your drone to bring us such beautiful sights.

  13. The most beautiful sky,,,ever!

  14. That is a beautiful show indeed! You sure have a lot of different camera types to capture everything wonderful in your world!


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