Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

One last memory of our autumn desert trip

Just as winter is truly starting (at Thanksgiving, in my world), I wanted to finish up sharing memories of our autumn desert trip.

We decided to finish our desert trip as we'd started it a couple of weeks earlier, with a few nights at K's Rock. I was glad for that decision because I was hit with a short but intense illness. I'm still not sure exactly what it was - an odd migraine, a virus, or something else altogether. In any case, I was glad to be someplace that felt like home while I wasted an entire day lying around and feeling awful.

Fortunately, whatever it was passed as rapidly as it had hit me, and I could enjoy my favorite desert spot afterwards.

I had another sunset photo session with Shyla at the base of K's Rock. I'll never tire of those sessions! I think that Shyla loves them like I do because she so enthusiastically does whatever I ask and sometimes even improvises on her own.

After the sun had set on our last evening there, I snapped a few photos of the beauty of desert dusk.

From its thin end, K's Rock appears to be a leaning slab of rock when in reality it's a huge triangular mass of red rock with one apex of the triangle being slender (as in the photo below).

On those last days, I enjoyed a few more views of golden leaves, knowing that the color would be gone at home.

I soaked up the warm sunshine, appreciating every bit of warmth.

All too soon, it was time to point the LabMobile toward Colorado, leaving the world of red rock behind us. It's a world that I'll never tire of.

As we departed, we scouted out a new area for future camping, and we saw golden Cottonwoods lining the Colorado River from a high plateau.
I am already looking forward to our next trip to the desert. It is a part of the world that I never dreamed that I would come to love so much. I'm glad that our whole pack loves it!


  1. the books I scoffed as fast as I could read in my growing up years, were all about the wild west and most of them had red rocks in them. I love seeing all this through your lens, it is stunning and also reminds me of the old western stories. I also like seeing the High Five Paw in the air...

  2. Gorgeous. I especially love the one of desert at dusk. The light is just spectacular.

  3. Al is the same way. He never thought he would love the desert like he does.

  4. Hari OM
    ... having experienced a few different deserts myself, I know them to be as varied as forests are; and all the more to be enjoyed for that! YAM xx

  5. We love the vivid colors! Howdy sweet Shyla!

  6. So beautiful!!!

    Monty, Harlow, and Ramble

  7. The Runner and R, a rare view together.And the rocks, the night sky, every one truly beautiful.

  8. Glad to hear you recovered quickly. And how beautiful are those shots with the golden leaved tree!!!

    Shyla made us smile with her very coy look in that photo:)

  9. What gorgeous views, so glad you recovered quickly so you could enjoy them!!

  10. We love Redrock! You got some great photos!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy and Stanley

  11. I know yuo have a lot of beautiful pictures but my favorite one is of Shyla.

  12. Beautiful and great to get that last blast of fall. Your winter's are much too long, beautiful as they are as well.

  13. It's a beautiful spot, so glad you can enjoy it.

  14. I'm glad you got through that illness so you could enjoy the rest of your time, and that you feel at home there (there's nothing worse than being sick away from home!). I get some really odd symptoms with migraines sometimes, so I wouldn't be surprised if it was related to that. No fun.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  15. These photos are sooo beautiful,,, we could look at them all day. We always feel like we are right there!


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